Reviews for Ghosts of Liberty
inphernalmenace chapter 5 . 9/13
In the original story, while it was implied that Raynor knew something was up with Tychus, he never really showed any indication of doing something about it, which made him come off as looking rather clueless. Here, we see more of Raynor's thoughts so it is clear that he has his own considerations as well and isn't blindly trusting Tychus.
jimmylee220 chapter 4 . 4/20
It's getting interesting please continue.
zRISC chapter 4 . 2/4
Thanks for another chapter :)
Consort chapter 4 . 2/3
Wow! I can pinpoint the precise moment my respect for Mobius Corps military power fell through the floor! I mean I didn't really respect them in most capacities anyway, but the exact moment an officer shoots down a plan that won't just work, but is EXACTLY TAILORED to the situation (Siege Tanks for sieging a highly-defended area?! What a concept!). And all for the sake of personal glory that I am more than certain he won't be getting if he and everyone in his service end up dead. The worst best part of that is that it's even completely believable, that's exactly what some manchildren do when they can't get 101% of the credit with their half-baked plan.

I have to say this started WoL missions with a bang, I really look forwards to seeing the other major battles from Nova's viewpoint. That said after beating their asses this hard, I will need to be very careful not to underestimate Mobius in the future. Useless gaggle of opportunists with guns, maybe. But they can still be dangerous if we give them opportunity.

The alterations to Raynor's character are pretty good, keeps the whole thing about missing Sarah more concordant with everything Kerrigan does. He misses his redhead, and he knows she's gone.

And Nova-Tychus relations are actually pretty interesting. Tychus I actually find one of your most entertaining characters, with his general attitude concealing a pretty sharp wisdom. I wouldn't say no to seeing her run into him again once or twice, even if it bends the story a little.
inphernalmenace chapter 4 . 2/2
This chapter was like watching a house burn down slowly. Mobius Corp was screwing up each and every thing they were doing. Nova thought that militia couldn't beat professional soldiers, well Mobius Corp was anything but professional.

Looks like Nova is stranded for the long haul and gets a front row seat to Jim Raynor's antics.
Consort chapter 3 . 1/15
I have to say that I like Tychus so far, even if he's technically on the Dominion's side he's certainly not a monster about it, nor using it as an excuse for anything. And hefting around that minigun like it's nothing carries a solid fear factor for his enemies, aside from the fact that I know it can shred very nearly anything he points it at. Pretty cool.

Nova... I suppose has encountered the problem with mind wipes. The horrors of war are legendary for a reason, and the worst of them are unleashed when angry soldiers are set on unarmed citizens. Having memories and knowing what to expect here would make her faith in the Dominion much stronger... And more defensible.
inphernalmenace chapter 3 . 1/15
Tychus really knows how to pick his fights. Blasting the front gate? Easy. Stealing loot? Too hard.
Consort chapter 2 . 1/7
Ah, and suddenly the plans are revealed to her. At least partially. And seeing a man with a gun permanently strapped to his head, coming right off the back of her having her core values shaken... Well, I suppose this explains why Nova wouldn't have the closest relationship with the Dominion during this story.

Samuel is an excellent person and I hope he takes care. Or rather, I hope karma catches up to him. He deserves a good day or three.

So, Fallout 76 reached its logical conclusion... Tsk, those last few diehard fans are just going to have to settle for roaming Char looking for loot. At least the physics will work, and the floors can't be clipped through unless you're walking into a pitfall trap.
inphernalmenace chapter 2 . 1/7
Nova seems astounded that someone would do a good thing without expecting any return. This trip might teach her something about people and show her a different perspective.
Consort chapter 1 . 1/6
Hm. I suppose that's why you don't underestimate the magistrate. Is this a divergence from the Serenaverse canon timeline? After all, Serena and Valerian have started to get along quite well there. At the very least, Valerian managed to bring her opinion of him up a fair bit by the end of their first mission together.

The point about saving lives is fair, but the actual moral here is likely about blind loyalty. Could Nova have taken a different path? Well, it would be difficult, but someone with a great innate power always has at least a little influence so long as they have a mind. And considerate loyalty is much better at actually serving a cause, so long as you understand the plans at play and don't undermine your fellows.

I suppose this is also a window to see how you might write WoL, since the artefact missions might create a somewhat repeating story if left unchanged.
RohanVos chapter 1 . 1/6
Hmm, I am curious to see where this all goes! Wings of Liberty was my favorite Starcraft 2 pressure :)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/6
So just to be sure to is that UA that you were thinking about doing where Serena doesn’t stop the use of Zerg on Antiga Prime and eventually broke off from Mengsk.
inphernalmenace chapter 1 . 1/6
Looks like mindwipes are working as intended. Nova followed orders like a good girl and shot. Not that it mattered.

It is time for Nova to have a fun time exploring the desert. It seemed that she still hasn't learned her lesson.