Reviews for Code Rwby(working title)
Akamiki-kun chapter 1 . 4/8
also pm me if you need help with the code vein details I'm on my second playthrough so I have a bit of knowledge under my belt
Akamiki-kun chapter 1 . 4/8
saphron is older (physically) and for a romantic option I say avoid a harem for good reason Jaune is trying to hide his status as a revenant he could partly open up to his team sure but for a partner romanticly it would have to be someone who bears the same secret i.e. (Io ,best girl in code vein) or someone morally gray as to not care about the fact he needs to drink blood i.e. (neo ,best rwby girl fight me or the malichete twins they dont get enough love) also what would Jaunes blood code be or would he be like our main character in game and be able to switch
CrisisBorn chapter 1 . 1/27
Put Io in
doopaloop chapter 1 . 1/10
I think the age of Saphron should be decided on how you want to have her relationship with Jaune be. Will she also be a revenant, or would she be human? Being human would probably benefit an older sister who would provide blood to Jaune, while a revenant sister would be a good motivation for Jaune to keep his secret safe for her safety.

In the subject of pairing I would personally be against a Harem, because I feel one primary love interest who would help Jaune more with his status as a revenant as someone to trust and help you as a writer to write and think heavily about the motivations of a few people instead of general motivations of multiple characters.
An25 chapter 1 . 1/8
Good luck, hope you enjoy the game. If you need ideas we the readers can provide.
doopaloop chapter 1 . 1/7
Oh, that'll be interesting. Hmmm... I suggest, An Arc's Gaol.
darth valkorion chapter 1 . 1/7
story sounds interesting can't wait for first chapter and yes you'll love the game I now I sure did watch out for the endings though there's four of them so be careful
JauneArc354 chapter 1 . 1/7
I'm so looking forward to this, good luck with the game there are so many hard bosses. And Io/Mia best girl.