Reviews for One-Four-Three
Guest chapter 3 . 5/30
Not the hiatus! Anything but that! That doesn't include discontinuing though.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/27
1. I just realized for a while it was Vicky who call Touma a baby boy, not Seria.

2. You got some grammer wrong like saying 'he' to Vicky and 'her' to Touma, and "I-Idiot, I said something like that!" sounds a little off.

3. Something tells me Vicky's brother was murdered, that would explain some implications like what Seria was doing in the first place.
Guest00 chapter 3 . 1/27
Ehhhh, ... Index's revelation isn't over, yet ... What Manner of Wizardry Is This?

Ah, Well ... tune in next time.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/16
Wonder if Vicky knows about Touma's Imagine Breaker and his dragon powers, given how long they know each other. Does Jinri like Touma as well?
Guest00 chapter 2 . 1/16
Hmm, ... seems that Touma and Vicky suddenly sensed (as is often stated by some reviewers) "... a disturbance in the Force", as Index is about to reveal certain developments to Fukiyose and company (or at least her own interpretation of them). And according to the closing dialogue, seems that A Certain Beauty-Senpai both approves and supports the hookup/

Revelation should prove interesting ... carry on, do.
BlueJack22 chapter 1 . 1/14
Oh boy Fukiyose is at it again
Guest chapter 1 . 1/14
Mikoto always called Kuroko by first name only and what is it with Akashi again?

Now for Touma's secret girlfriend, I almost thought it's Kawasaki from Iron Heart because of the 'baby boy' thing, turns out Seria said that and she knew about Vicky (the actual secret girlfriend) all along, hope the next chapter's as good as it get.
Guest00 chapter 1 . 1/14
Hmm, ... seems a 2-year gap has transpired since the canon timeline, yet thus far, most characterizations seem to be the same as before.

Will on the name-drop, but wait to see what Part 2 will offer, when it shows up.