Reviews for You Carry Me, Then I Carry You
Terense chapter 1 . 2/16
Nice scene between the two of them that is reasonable and hopeful.
This really should happen.
M.W chapter 1 . 2/6
Really loved it. Glad I read it. The real God needs to boot Chuck in the rear end (not literally but... majestically) and in so doing restore that sense of wonder and greater purpose and genuine heroism to our characters and our show.
Aster I chapter 1 . 2/2
Very well written - such that I could see the boys having this conversation :)
Always -still - love watching each individual episode with Sam and Dean but don't love - at all - that the writers seem to be changing the Supernatural "reality" into something that makes no sense and undermines the characters as well. Really hoping that there is a resolution that addresses these issues. The show deserves it and so do the fans.
Pets Heart chapter 1 . 1/31
Thanks for this little pearl, because really, it is an understatement to say that I am discouraged from the last season. Well, okay, frankly, I'm one of those very puristic - and potentially boring - fans, according to which, for the idea of its creator, Supernatural is technically finished in the fifth season.
With this I don't mean that from the sixth to the fifteenth season there were no good moments. Absolutely not. But I think that the new writers on the one hand have gradually forgotten the spirit of the Show (Sam & Dean above all else) and, to speak brutally, scraped the bottom of the ideas.
Now, I'm not a fussy and sensitive religious.
But, in total honesty, I found... ugly, to make "God" as the final boss. Not to mention the fact that the two boys would then have been puppets in every single scene we have seen for fifteen years - perfect the reference to Pinocchio.
While, as you pointed out, it would have been much more sensible if it had not been "God" but a divine entity who proclaimed himself "God"

Oh well, some episodes are still missing ... hope is the last to die, we hope that the writers still love Supernatural enough to remember his true spirit in the end.
Otherwise, we will console ourselves with a fictions like yours.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/27
This - or something similar - is so needed on the show right now. The brothers should have figured this out by now. Do the writers really think they're that gullible? Or that we are..? A good fan fic is a somewhat rare treasure but at least we have them - fan fics like this. Nicely done.
LauraY chapter 1 . 1/26
Beautiful. Very true to their voices and love the Pinocchio reference.
Minnie1015 chapter 1 . 1/22
Loved it! It was a nice scene of them having hope.
RhoMas chapter 1 . 1/19
I love this. Thank you. The whole Chuck thing doesn't make any sense at all if given even a few moments thought - obviously. The viewers/fans keep saying that. So I hope it's fixed because our show and our brothers deserve so much better.
This was great.
ngregory763 chapter 1 . 1/21
Man. I wish, I wish, from the bottom of my heart, I wish the writers had taken this path.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/18
Thanks for this - would be nice if the show went there.
Ginza chapter 1 . 1/20
Thank you for this. I hate this storyline so much. At first I had a tiny spark of hope that maybe before the end there would be some big reveal that 'Chuck' isn't really God, but I really don't think so. I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I'll always love Sam and Dean but the entirety of season 14, or as I refer to it, 'The Cass and Jack show' and then this Chuck/God storyline is killing my enthusiasm for the show. I will stick with it till the end though. But however bad it gets I'm always so happy to read your amazing fics, you and the few others that still write the boys as they should be. So thank you and please do continue to share with us whenever you can!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16
You write our boys so perfectly! I love how you have Sam saying, Dean, man... you really paint the scene, picturing them at the table with the scotch. And Sam’s perspective gives me some help! It’s just been so bleak, and I know that the series may not go out on a happy go lucky note. But I’ve had such a hard struggle with Chuck. I always liked him as a character. Now he’s so hateful. Maybe he really isn’t the God. Thanks for bringing that to light. Thanks for always writing so beautifully! I have a lot less time to read than I used to, but when I see your name it always makes me run here to read. You are quite talented my friend!
Mendai Decovrii chapter 1 . 1/18
I love this take. And, as always, your grasp of their characters.
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 1/18
Thank you for giving Dean hope, and for Sam to find it.
JaniceC678 chapter 1 . 1/18
Wow...nice take on the whole manipulation thing. I was SOO pissed off at the writers for everything the guys had done was pre-scripted and meant nothing, no Team Free Will? I'm still having a lot of issues with it and I just wish to...well, whoever...that they would have something like this in the show! I guess they sort of hinted at it, but needs to be shouted clearly so everyone gets it!
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