Reviews for Reflections
Riggy Minus chapter 1 . 4/25
Reread this today and I'm still just blown away by how cute it is! I feel like you really nailed the characters, and if you ever do continue the story, I'll happily read along!
Jaerskov Tempestwing chapter 1 . 2/14
Well, this was a nice little fic to read. Easy to follow, good grammar and punctuation, and realistically sweet. Great job, yo!
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 1 . 1/17
Oh and a smol request, could you put a pairing on the Jaune and Ruby tags? You don’t have to but it’s easier to find Lancaster content that way
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 1 . 1/17
This is so cute! I love it! It’s perfectly legal though so it’s okay.
poetrymagic12 chapter 1 . 1/16
Well as of volume 7...Ruby's 17 and Jaune's 19. That's not pedophilia...if he were in his twenties and she was 10….then yes it would be. So smut is very acceptable if you go by that volumes ages.

Jaune and Ruby are very adorable together...I shipped them so hard.

So please write more Lancaster...
The Almighty Cross chapter 1 . 1/16
Bruh, Ruby is 15 and Jaune is 17 at the beginning of RWBY. A two year age difference pedophilia does not make. Plus, seeing as how this story is clearly set sometime after fighting Salem, it's safe to assume they're both old enough to do the, "Do" without any scrutiny, Legal or otherwise. And if you want to get real technical about it, most Ruby pairings, aside from Rosebud and Nuts and Dolts(And that's if wanna get REALLY technical about it), have her partners set two years apart as well and no one bats an eye.

And besides, Lancaster Smut is like the prime definition of normal and wholesome compared to some of the more, "Colorful" RWBY smut that's out there, so I honestly wouldn't get to touchy about it as you say. With that little tanget out of the way, onto actually discussing the story.

The whole thing was absolutely sweet and very well written, and I loved how well composed Ruby's declaration of Love was to Jaune. I also liked how you incorporated Summer into being one of the biggest motivators for why she wanted to be a huntress and how she continues her life to want to help people, but also to help realize her own mortality as whole.

She's not invincible and all knowing, and understands that any day could be her last. It's a depressing insight, but also shows that she's grown in maturity and wisdom as both and person and huntress. I really like this Ruby that you've written a lot.

Kudos, to your scene between Jaune and Tai. When Jaune had mentioned the, "Homicidal" over protection, I thought there was going to be some sort of awkward and forced interrogation for humor. If there is one of my biggest pet peevs with the RWBY fandom, it's making Yang and Tai over protective of Ruby to the point of violence and obsession. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised out how you wrote the scene out with them having a conversation over the past and Jaune reflecting over the past and having Tai going into concerned, but realistic, dad mode when the text is brought up.

It was quite a bit of fresh air compared to how a lot writers handle his character, and wrote him out how I think he would react in cannon. All in all, this was a nice and wholesome little one shot and I hope you'll either expand upon it in a full story or make more Lancaster content as a whole.
Lancaster1517 chapter 1 . 1/16
How can it be touchy? There’s literally less than two years between them. Might’ve been a little odd at the very beginning of canon but a 16 year old dating an 18 year old or in this case, an 18 and a 20 isn’t weird at all.
Random Reader chapter 1 . 1/16
Nice short story, very cute. Not sure why the pairing is touchy, it isn't like she is 12. She is 15 at the beginning of the series and he is 17. That isn't pedophilia. And as of the current volume, she is 17 and he is 19. Nothing wrong in any of that.
0akarigan0 chapter 1 . 1/15
Fue hermoso, una historia de amor simple pero muy bien desarrollada. Me encantó, muchas gracias.
Riggy Minus chapter 1 . 1/15
This is really cute!

Yeah tbh most Ruby pairings can be a bit awkward unless they're set after she's 18.
HornetFreak chapter 1 . 1/15
This is a really sweet one shot. Lancaster is my favorite pairing, and I love the idea that neither have any earthly idea what they’re doing. I would love to see some more come from this, but I think this can stand alone as its own great story.