Reviews for Throwing Up Shadows
Poppy chapter 7 . 3/12
There’s not enough Webby, Lena, AND Dewey fics. This made me smile so widely when I was reading it. Thank you for the good content!
MysteryGirl7Freak chapter 7 . 2/13
Yay! Everyone lived!
MysteryGirl7Freak chapter 6 . 2/13
Disney Boy chapter 7 . 2/8
This was an interesting story. I think I know a story which you can help.
Prophe-Cass chapter 7 . 2/8
XD Lena and Webby are mentally linked, now, I'm sure of it!
Aw, Dewey!
XD The girls love teasing Dewey!
That was wonderful! Thank you for a heart warming story!
Prophe-Cass chapter 6 . 2/5
Lena, you-you can't-! You self-sacrificing-!
Dewey? Ya okay?
Dewey wants to protect his best friend so much...
Huey totally knows.
Power of friendship and family!
Ooh! Interesting!
Yay! The dime brought Lena back! Yay!
MysteryGirl7Freak chapter 5 . 2/1
I'm gonna let Dipper take this one.

Dipper: What the heck is going on here?!
SpikedFruitPunch chapter 5 . 2/1
Freedom at last... but at what cost? A mystery finally solved only to end up leading to a potentially fatal consequence.

The final scene makes for a good cliffhanger Would definitely keep a person turning the page more than if it ended on the previous one.
MysteryGirl7Freak chapter 4 . 2/1
Well, I'm going to say it again.

No, Lena, no!
Disney Boy chapter 5 . 2/1
What just happened at the end.
Prophe-Cass chapter 5 . 2/1
Oh. Dang. Lena, no!
Bad Magica, Bad!
At least she got her dark heart's deepest desire before she...uh...died? *Sniffles*
Scrooge. Impeccable timing.
Friendship is magic! It saves the day!
Yeaaah, chewing through rope sounds like Webby.
Ooh, yeah, she never has removed it, has she? Hmm...
Louie. Scrooge prepares for EVERYTHING.
XD Ahhh, Launchpad.
Stay here. It's a good cliffhanger!
Prophe-Cass chapter 4 . 1/30
Again, I love Scrooge's accent! You're so good at it!
XD Poor Huey with his oversized mace.
You got Magica down pat!
This battle is amazing!
Aw, Webby! The power of friendship speech! Yay!
Is Magica using Lena's voice?!, I refuse to believe that Lena is purposely hurting Webby! *Sits down stubbornly* *Sobs*
Remnants of Fantasy chapter 4 . 1/30
Oh my goodness. Did not expect that. Oh, I hope Lena is okay in the end. If she's dead that's going to be really sad!
GodofGreed chapter 4 . 1/29
There can be a thin line between betrayal and sacrifice at times, one that is sometimes nearly impossible to see. Lena seems to be forced onto that line. Unfortunately for her, no matter what she chose to do here, it would have been betrayal. Betraying her creator or her friends. However, it seems that Lena falls more into the sacrifice category. Also, better to die free than live and be forced to hurt those you care about.

(Also, hope Magica felt that stab.)
Disney Boy chapter 4 . 1/29
I did not expect Lena or Magica to try and commit suicide. Who was in control at that Moment. Lena or Magica.
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