Reviews for The Bird in the Cage
HappyDog23006007341647 chapter 3 . 4/8
I have a lot of random things to say so these are my thoughts as I went through the chapter:

Hmmmm you mr description of the village is actually pretty cool. A treehouse? Nice. I like the world building your doing.

And she doesn’t see anything familiar, nothing here rings a bell. So I’m guessing that she hasn’t seen Naruto? Or maybe she has seen it but not much of the show, not enough to be familiar with everything? Don’t mind me, I’m just throwing things out to see what sticks.

Ooooooohhhhhh! Someone called her a lady! I know it’s just because sometimes it’s hard to tell the gender of a kid, and Hyuuga’s are sometimes androgynous, but it’s Cute!

So she was a reporter last life? Cool.
And nice job with the subtle Hyūga tests, kuren-chan is smart for figuring it out.

I’m kind of on the fence about whether I should hate her parents or not. Maybe they don’t know how she’s being treated, or maybe they do and they will treat her the same Hyuga way.

Yay! The old hag forgot about her punishment!

If the hokage is old...then Tobirama?! Oh my GLOB! She needs to speak with this legend!

I want concrete details or I’ll keep guessing off of the tiniest detail! (I’m thinking about the two main branch members that she saw! Hashi and his bro?) Help a fan girl out! *frothing at the mouth*

Till next time!

HappyDog23006007341647 chapter 2 . 4/8
Oof, the conditioning and suppression starts. but the good thing is that Kuren-chan is ready to dig her way out of the hole they’re trying to put her in. she will follow the rules, except their teachings, but she will grow beyond them. I’m going to cheer her on!

Hey, i’m going to mention this now so I don’t end up offending anybody on accident later on. I’m all for LGBTQ and I won’t be offended if you put any of that in the story, but I don’t want to offend anybody by saying something stupid, like the wrong pronoun or something. so, if I do say something that offends anybody or you, please know that it’s not out of malice or anything, just a lack of knowledge. I’d appreciate if somebody would calmly inform me of my mistake.

Now that that’s outta the way, let me gush over this chapter! I really liked how you subtlety dropped details for the audience and brought in the war, but not being specific to keep us guessing. Nice job with that.

And lowering the entrance age? Front line? It’s War! So I’m going to guess she’s in Kakashi’s time. and if that’s the case, does that mean that she won’t be getting her seal until the Heir’s third birthday? If he has already passed his third birthday then she has to wait until the next heir’s 3rd birthday, right(?), so Hinata? If that’s the case, then she has a little freedom for a bit, to grow. I may just be reading into things a little too much.

Yeah, I think I’m reading into things a little bit too much because I’m starting to think that it’s the second war because of Aimi’s dismissal of civilians for the war effort. Minato Namikaze was a civilian and he was really popular on the front lines, I’m wondering if it hasn’t occurred yet (which is why Im thinking that this is the second war), or if she’s just ignorant to his achievements... or if she, and thus the whole clan, has a thing against civilians. this is probably where Neji got the fate stuff from. Whelp, the Hyūga always had long sticks up their butts anyway.

And they aren’t putting enough one on one training on the young, no wonder everybody’s closed off and all for themselves. They really are canon fodder...this is so messed up...I applaud you. I wonder how she’s going to accommodate to killing people, because if she wants to become a missing ninja, she’s going to have to kill people to keep them off her trail. Hmmmmm...does anyone know if she has activated the byakugan? I won’t blame her if she doesn’t want to share certain information with her ‘family’, yes, I’m with her! Screw them!

To be able to make a reader think so much based off of a little clue you’d give is an amazing thing, it shows that you have talent. And that I’m really interested about when she is and what’s going to happen.

It’s going to be sad when Kuren-chan finds out that escaping is going to be harder than she thought, seeing how strong the village is and everything. And if she gets the caged bird seal it’s going to be even harder. I just hope that she can grow from that and find a way around it to be free. Maybe she learns Fuinjutsu or something? It could be possible depending on the time period She’s in. maybe she hitches a ride with the Kumo delegates when they come? Or she summons and ends up in the summoning realm, wandering. Or, maybe she actually stays in the leaf until she is strong enough to a few things that I’m throwing out on the top of my head if you ever need any ideas or something.

Nice job with this chapter, and I hope you have a safe move to your new home, stay safe during these times. Thank you for taking the time to write.

Lirg123 chapter 2 . 2/6
Where are we in the story? Ww2, based on cannon info, I'm under the impression that the academy was build to supplement their military force after the first war.
HappyDog23006007341647 chapter 1 . 1/20
Dang, I’m already liking it! And can I just say that I’m a sucker for the ‘screw this village, I’m out’ trope? You really have potential here, like really! And I can’t wait to see how she grows stronger and certain on her reasons for wanting to leave. Oh! And seeing what part of the timeline she’s in (and when she figures out what world she’s in). I like your writing style, and am very smug that I get to be one of the first few to comment! If you ever need a beta, or someone to bounce ideas, I’m here!

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