Reviews for Obligatory Beach Episode!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/21
Don't forget that Shalltear is also a virgin. After she died and was resurrected, she decided to save her neefound virgin8ty for Ainz, so she couldn't ride a bicorn either.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
This was great. Hope to see more from one of my favorite writers.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/19
Glad to see you return making this amazing fanfic and did not abandoned it! I hope you could update it sooner!
Carameleo chapter 6 . 7/21
Listen here my friend.

No words can describe how gorgeous this Chapter was. I merely came here to read obligatory beach scenes and some Harem shenanigans god. I was not expecting this.

The flashback you provided for Vivi and the others was simply heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Your writing shifted from its usual comical tones to this captivating, moving way of putting emotions in words that really stirred me.

This was just beautiful, simply beautiful. I always wanted to know how these 3 Elves fared in Nazarick. You sated my curiosity in such a beautiful way.

Waiting eagerly for Chapter 8!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/18
Really relaxing to read.
Thx for writing this and hoping for more to come.
RyuujiVantek chapter 7 . 7/20
They beheaded the bicorn that ainz rode on?
Poor fella, it wasnt its fault but demiurge, albedo and shalltear for not clarifying.
Nonetheless, i enjoyed the chapter.
Looking forward for more!
Shiroraven chapter 7 . 7/19
they come to realize that ainz is a very great wizard
Dregus chapter 4 . 7/19
oh holy hell, when Pandora turned into Tabula and sais "eroge is life" i laughed hard at that, god imagining that and the reaction in real time was a hoot lol
Carameleo chapter 7 . 7/19
Man I would kill for Ainz to ride me like a pony.
All jokes aside - great chapter man,. Poor Albedo, this flaw is really impairing for her.
PervySageChuck chapter 7 . 7/19
I am curious...

Fathering three children, it is obvious that I am not a virgin. BUT...

Due to the decrepitude of my advanced age, I have not been able to attract a REAL woman in many, many years. So my question is...

Does fapping to the latest internet porn involving cross-dressing sea slugs and BDSM bandana shrimp count as having sex?

And would THAT, if I had NEVER been with a woman in the first place, allow me to ride a bicorn?

Please enlighten me, dear author. Interested friendly neighborhood perverts NEED to know these things.
Deliberatee chapter 6 . 7/18
Lol, poor Ainz! I would've gone crazy being near all those grilled meat but not able to eat them. Love me some bbq! XD

Glad the elves are adapting as well they should. In a way, they're lucky - their previous experiences are horrible (as I consider rape to be the most abominable thing a person can do).. but this is the reason that they were brought to Nazarick and now ARE of Nazarick.
Those 3 elves make me remember Foresight though... probably the only time I had problem dealing with Ainz' decisions. True they were there because of money but it's not for the sake of the money itself - there was a deeper reason of Arche's little sisters. It was the group's last job too! It's just so tragic, especially for Arche and the love birds Imina and Hekkeran... TToTT I wish Ainz will resurrect them or something...
Shiroraven chapter 6 . 7/18
superb as usual. skelletons can't eat...
Marv1n chapter 6 . 7/18
Great chapter
Tomi Shinoda chapter 5 . 5/18
Seriously underrated! It's a crime your Overlord fics aren't more popular, high quality writing right here.
Fun fact, the ocean of the new world is fresh water, there are no saltwater in the new world.

I would love to see more Overlord fics from you, here's a suggestion, maybe write one about how the 3 elf slave got integrated into Nazarick, their shock reactions, and interactions, something like your Tsuare fic.
Nutter Nort chapter 5 . 5/2
Йей! Очень понравилось! Жду, с нетерпением, продолжение!
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