Reviews for Alike
Cthulhu Queen chapter 1 . 6/14
Love this! I’d certainly love to read more about how they came to be. Please do continue

Cthulhu x
equipagan chapter 1 . 1/27
Lovely writing!
DarkOne09 chapter 1 . 1/25
This is a pretty good start to this story. I think it’s worth it and even if some say otherwise, I still go for it. I want to see more how the suckling won’t overcome his disability and become strong. Very good and keep going :)
NeverNeverLady chapter 1 . 1/25
I hope you do continue this, it's very intriguing.
Imagine Kayla chapter 1 . 1/25
Lucky they aren't in ancient Sparta...Runite woulda been yeeted off a cliff right away lmao