Reviews for Awaken the Light
Stev320I chapter 8 . 4/6
OOO the last two chapters were total emotional rollercoasters, so I'm glad taht we can get a conclusion in this ch. I can't wait for Sora to start making friends with the local kids n all that, and maybe we can get a look at Sora's community service. Maybe because can help Izuku clean the beach? Idk
Otakufreak1799 chapter 8 . 4/6
I’m really into this story so far, can’t wait for more updates!
Gamelover41592 chapter 8 . 4/6
wow this was deep 0-0
SuperSaiyanFever chapter 8 . 4/6
Well, at least he's got some idea of what to do going forward. Just the usual: make some friends, learn the ins and outs of his powers, eat, sleep, bathe. And kick some villain ass. I think the most important bond Sora will have on this world is with its resident Fool (The Arcana): Izuku Midoriya.
Blazer777 chapter 7 . 4/6
AO3 huh?
Zane Tribal Tyne Alexandros chapter 7 . 3/18
Oh. OH! Oh Oh oh oh! I’ve thought of a sugestion for Sora’s Pro Hero Name! Knightlight! In homage of Nightlight from the book series The Guardians of Childhood.
SuperSaiyanFever chapter 7 . 3/17
Stay strong, Sora. You can make it through this. You've got my support. Y'know, I don't think Sora's ever managed to learn how to properly handle his darkness like Riku did. That's something he'll need to work on once his power comes back.
Gamelover41592 chapter 7 . 3/17
excellent work on this chapter no wonder Ms. Joke wants to marry Aizawa and man the first omake I saw where Mickey gets beaten Xd
Finalcool720 chapter 7 . 3/17
Nice job and looking forward to more and i have a feeling Sora is going to wind up in the same school as Izuku
King Joker chapter 7 . 3/17
While I understand and like the idea of Sora being a broken hero, just like with the very same Steven Universe episode you referenced, it’s a little too to have the protagonist undergo trauma. Just like with Steven, and as you had pointed out, Sora had been through a lot of crap in his many adventures. And just like Steven, Sora was mostly the one who tried to make sure that his team had stayed positive. Just look at KH2. After defeating Xemnas and seemingly being stuck in the world of darkness, it’s Sora who tells Riku, “well if we’re stuck here, we might as well make the best of it”. When I saw Sora have a breakdown after seeing the Heartless vortex swallow up his friends, I loudly groaned. KH2 and even KH1 Sora would’ve kept fighting, not drop their Keyblade. The developers were so focused on the “My friends are my power”, that they forgot that Sora is just as strong even when he’s all alone.

And sorry if it seems like I’m ranting. It’s just that Universe episode bugged because it seemed like it came out five seasons too late. You want to your hero to be broken, fine. But they way they did it was just meh. It’s like if Ben 10 Omniverse had Ben suddenly develop PTSD.
joshuamanu632 chapter 6 . 3/10
I like the take on what happened when the organisation wins. It's very brutal and gruesome; and will lead to some very interesting things later on. I really like this story and what's to come.
Dante Watterson chapter 6 . 3/9
So, this is what would've happened if Sora and the others couldn't beat Organization XIII. That's definitely a little bit of nightmare fuel right there. Still, I'm very interested to see what happens next. Keep up the good work!
Blazer777 chapter 6 . 3/9
Yeah, no I’m out; if only because this Sora PTSD unlike the others seems forced because I don’t get the connection. I don’t see how Kairi willingly going to sleep suddenly gets a bad feeling all the way to Sora and forces him to make up this new scenario for the Keyblade War especially because that really is just nightmares and not PTSD. I mean if his heart really is shattered then how is he even standing because when Ven lost Vanitas he was basically a zombie so I don’t see how Sora is able to even fight. I mean I get it; I’ve seen people make up scenarios like these for Sora because they don’t think he has enough conflict so they make up stuff for this but I think this one is really forced with no real connection and honestly I can’t get into it, so yeah I’m done and you can do what you want ( (obviously, your story of course) but I’m just not into it anymore. Good luck and who knows maybe I’ll get into it again but only if I don’t know there’s no more of this forcing Sora to be a broken hero; you know a tragic hero situation. Just my small opinion obviously.
SuperSaiyanFever chapter 6 . 3/9
So Sora experienced a nightmare in which he was unable to save his friends when it really mattered. Kinda cruel to make him see all of what could have happened had he not made it in time. What next? Kairi having nightmares of losing everything that mattered to her? Aqua, tormented by thoughts of waking up in the clutches of darkness, unable to express relief that her friends came to save her and bring her home? Xion, plagued by dreams of being so forgotten by her friends that she never finds her way back to them? Where are the Spirit Dream Eaters when you need their protection?
Finalcool720 chapter 6 . 3/9
nice job looking forward to more
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