Reviews for But For You, I Did
Andy chapter 1 . 6/19
No pude seguir leyendo después del duelo. Sé que lo habías advertido al principio, pero hay mucho camino entre ser posesivo y celoso y llegar a la violencia para conseguir lo que quieres. No creo que Tom se mereciera de verdad a Harry después de lo que hizo para conseguir la información del viaje en el tiempo:¿Todo estaría bien después de que violó su mente, lo dejó inconsciente aprovechándose de que Harry no le haría daño y luego lo oblivó para que luego no recordara lo que hizo? Creo que hay un límite en lo que puedes hacer y seguir llamando a lo que sientes amor: lo de Tom es obsesión y amor propio no amor por Harry, al menos así lo veo yo.
ILoveHarTom chapter 1 . 5/7
Hi there :3 Can I ask for your permission to translate your work please? I really really really love your story and I want my friend to enjoy it in our language too since your story is incredibly cute and lovely. Thank you for reading this 33
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 4/13
Love it and seriously wish it was longer
CalculusNova chapter 1 . 3/16
Another great story... though, I am confused about one thing, and it involves math. Arithmetic, really, so not too complicated... maybe. XD

So, the day Tom ends up in the future is July 31st, 1998. If the timeline is relatively in-line with canon, Harry should be 18 years old at this point... in fact, let's ignore canon right now and let's do this chronologically.

May 1998 : Harry (some unstated physical and mental age) is physically de-aged an unstated number of years. The equation will be:
[Hp Xp - Yp] & [Hm Xm] & [Xp Xm]

September 1938 : Harry is physically 15 years and 1 month plus old and unstated mental age, or more accurately, he is the mental age prior to going into the past plus the time spent in the past.
[Hp 15] & [Hm Xm Ym]

May 1945 : Harry is sent back in the future. Harry has spent a total of 10 years in the past. He is physically 21 years old.
[Hp Xp - Yp 10 21] & [Hm Xm 10]

July 1998 : Harry has been in the future for about 2 months. He is physically 22 years old, but is supposed to be physically 7 years older than he appears, but also 29.
[Hp 22] [Hm Xm 11 29]

Alright, now that we have the raw data, let's backward calculate. Please note that all instances of Hp (Harry's physical age) and Hm (Harry's mental age) are relative to the time period, but all other variables are static.

21 - 10 Xp - Yp Xp - Yp 11
Xm 29 - 11 Xm 18 Xp
18 - Yp 11 Yp 18 - 11 9

So the equation above concludes that Harry's physical age when being sent back in time is 11 years old (which matches up with him going to the past just before the second year of Hogwarts... this begs to question what played out for the "first" year). So, that only leaves an open question of how old Harry was prior to drinking the potion. If we use the age of when Harry returns to the future, Harry is Physically 21 years old but is "supposed" to be seven years.

Now, addressing the contradictions. Xp calculates to 18 years. This represents how old Harry is supposed to be as of May 1998 prior to being sent back in time. Xm is the same value as Xp since this is Harry's mental age before being sent back in time. If we compare this to the canon timeline, Harry is already one year older than he should be. As for the timeline presented in your story, let's see if it lines up. XD

Yp represents how many years Harry is physically de-aged. It calculates to 9 years. This means Harry was de-aged by 9 years... though, you stated Harry should only be 7 years older...

Now, the issue is... the math is already broken. XD So I can't quite tell what is supposed to be accurate. However, what I can surmise from my calculations is this.

Harry is 18 years old as of May 1998, thus meaning he was born July 31, 1979 (this is what the math concludes, which MUST mean he didn't go to Hogwarts in his first year OR the period that Hogwarts accepts students was pushed forward a month or so only children who are 11 years old prior to (at least) July 31 (thus means Harry is excluded) are admitted for the year. Of course, this theory means Hermione and Ron would be in a different year than Harry unless their date of birth was different.

However, this part adds confusion to the last part when Harry returns to the future. He is "supposed" to be 28 years old, but only appears to be 21 years old. But, Harry in May 1998 is supposed to be 18 years old... how is he supposed to be 18 years old and 29 years old at the same time? Did time flip so much that the Harry of the future when times was changed, was he born 10 years earlier? Or in July 31 of 1969? If the time change resulted in this, and all other facts I stated above holds true, then the math aligns properly, otherwise... math has no meaning in the world of Harry Potter. XD

Also, please note, the above is not intended to insult you. I just found this plot hole and felt the need to do some calculations and help rectify my query. XD
remusjlupin321 chapter 1 . 3/14
great story
MEGADESK chapter 1 . 3/8
I cried
FangirlOverload9900 chapter 1 . 2/28
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 1 . 2/24
Enjoyed it
Rising Phoenix-82 chapter 1 . 2/13
Raizel-Renai chapter 1 . 2/10
That was... I can't put into words. With your warnings at the beginning I didn't think it was going to end so sweetly. I liked very much. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7
Grubby92 chapter 1 . 2/9
Fantastic story!
Zefel chapter 1 . 2/3
Really liked it, thank you! Would also enjoy a sequel;)
Mythelfa chapter 1 . 1/31
I think that their relationship is kind of beautiful, I just hope than one day Tom will tell Harry about their duel and that he make him forget.
Stephanie1993 chapter 1 . 1/29
amazing! thank you!
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