Reviews for Truth Shall Set You Free
Susurra chapter 1 . 6/16
Ooh I love this? I’d also love to see more of it!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31
Oh, the possibilities!

O h , ! !

It's Evil Mastermind time!
*Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist proceeds to beta while laughing uproariously (Is that even a word?)*
Phoenix chapter 1 . 3/31
This is rather interesting. And I would like to see where it goes.
A Fan chapter 1 . 3/5
Holy shit, amazing! The concept is freaking awesome, I don't think it's very original(I feel like I have either red something similar or saw something with the concept) but I'd be damned if it's not awesome.
lisaluu chapter 1 . 3/3
this is beautifully well written. it's an amazing idea! gold star!
alydawn45 chapter 1 . 2/24
I love this concept! Please write more
Alexis chapter 1 . 2/20
Cette histoire est incroyable et émouvante je suis extrêmement impatiente pour voir la suite
TheSealer chapter 1 . 2/11
A quirk like that can give Izuku a much more truthful perspective of people, like Bakugo. In cannon, he thought way to highly of a person who was nothing more than a bully to him.
Curlycupgumweed chapter 1 . 2/8
Okay, one, I really like this! It's a different flavor of emotional endurance from canon, but still very compelling. Two, it really makes me curious how future interactions would change, cause on one hand it can give Izuku a great insight into a person, but it can also repel them like it did with Bakugo.
Thank you for writing it!
Kira Runa chapter 1 . 2/2
I really want this idea to be a series!I can only imagine what would happen when Zu fights Todoroki or Shinsou, him hearing their reasons through his lense and all.

10/10 would read again (probably soon too :3)
Godfather Kira Doughboy chapter 1 . 1/30
just saying, it would be kinda cool if you made it a series, you know... just saying...
Godfather Kira Doughboy chapter 1 . 1/30
its a good story with good concepts. nothing to critique aside from glossing a few details which could have been added. like while running in to save he can hear the opinions of the masses bashing him for his stupidity, or wondering what is he doing or even plain cheering. Overall id give the first chap an 8/10 it's great but i could be better.
TheManTheMythTheMeme chapter 1 . 1/27
Really enjoyed this one, an interesting concept and a darker tone. I love it.
ShadowPillow chapter 1 . 1/27
This is a really interesting premise. I have always been fascinated by the idea of "truth" and this is a heck of a way to explore that theme, /and/ the characters that make up My Hero Academia. Knowing both what someone meant and what they lied about ... is a really powerful ability for understanding the people around you. Disheartening, but very powerful. I'm glad that Izuku was still able to hang on to his hope in this alter-verse and not just become utterly cynical because of it – largely due to the influence of All Might... just like how he hung onto his hope in canon too.

You characterization is on point. I really look forward to seeing where you'll go with this.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26
damn I didnt even notice it was a oneshot this is honestly better than most fanfic ive read
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