Reviews for A Witch to Love
Artisticmom2 chapter 3 . 8/14
A truly wonderful story. Thank you for sharing that!
SSHGfan14 chapter 3 . 7/18
I'm LOVING his story. I've reread the first part 3 times. Only just found part 3 this morning and I wanted to jump up and down at the end of it. your story is brilliant.
Stormy Cortinas chapter 1 . 4/29
honestly this was amazing I couldn't put it down it was up til almost 4 am yesterday when I started reading and I just finished it keep up your amazing writing
Guest chapter 3 . 4/17
Aww loved it, especially the little girl... Super cute
ArtemisBare chapter 3 . 4/1
Ugh. So good. That demanding claiming at the end *Chefs Kiss* rainy day favorite.

You know.

For the next depressing Pandemic...
DragonIris chapter 3 . 3/31
I love this! It is original and well written.
mrs.haloona chapter 3 . 3/14
fantastic thank you
ginger.1702 chapter 3 . 3/2
I liked that story very much! Thanks for sharing 3
hiei29 chapter 3 . 3/1
The story is truly amazing and it would be lost if you do not continue the story. Pleasw do continue and explore the new relationship of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger with their daughter, Sevora. How will the world react on Snape being alive. Please update.
julesyx0 chapter 3 . 2/21
So cute I wish there was more, I want to see the newest Snape! Lovely job! 3
Slytherclaw Black chapter 2 . 2/11
I see you! And it's a good damn thing you posted this chapter today or I would have hunted you down for leaving me on that cliff. *huffs in exasperation* You are so lucky I love you so much.

I will admit to a snaughel at the pirate part, but once that passed I got lost in thoughts of him as a pirate.

And then you had him speak and I'm now just particles of fluff floating around. Dammit, Dash. There's no way I'm getting back to sad today.

"Tun to page three hundred and ninety-four" You really are trying to kill me just in a different way this time. You cannot be trusted.

The fucking billow! The "daddy?" Not ashamed. The way Sevora hugged him! He sniffed her hair! I'm never going to recover.

The couch scene. I went from awww to tanning myself.

*Sets fan on high as I read the storeroom scene.*

Children: The biggest cockblocks in even the magical world.

I agree HG. It would be worth it even if it ended in flames.

I love you.
An overstuffed of Fluff Claw
Slytherclaw Black chapter 1 . 2/11
*rattles chains* Oh Dasher...sweet little Dash. I was quite tempted to lock you up in detox until you could properly focus on my Dramione. But then you went and handed us this and I just can't bring myself to do it. Do not mistake this leniency for me going soft though. Do it again and there will be consequences. Now let's see what this pressie has for us shall we?

From the very first paragraph, my cold dark soul started to warm. Dammit, Dash! Look what you've gone and done. Now I'm going to have to go finish that piece of fluff.

This is such an original idea and I'm blown away with how your mind works. I am living for this. I am tickled to bits that their Newt scores are mentioned. lol

Well, hello there Healer Clawse! Look at you fighting dirty and making me forgive you even more.

Stupid Ron. *stalks off mumbling about getting the yogurt at the ready and hopeful you will let me use it* Nvm. Looks like Harry has this covered. *grins*

Gah Dash! You did overdose when you wrote that birthday. I ain't mad about it though. If anything, I now want some sprinkles.

I am dead that we both wrote down midnight black for her hair. Ded. Get out of my head woman!

Fucking Skeeter! *looks around for big spray* Better to be safe than sorry. I ADORE mama bear HG. Hell to the yes girl. You hurt the first one enough and the others will be too afraid to try anything.
Oh uh sorry about that. *tucks bloodthirsty Slytherin back in.*

The moment with Sevora and his picture! I'm goo. Just straight goo. The billow! It's just like fluff arrows straight to my heart. And then you buried me in a mountain of fluff with "Ob-viously".

Ohhhhhhh! Dash! The last few paragraphs! His snark is on point.

All of my love!
Task Master Claw

P.S. I left writing the next chapter of Snow to come read this and now I'm not sure I can because of how much fluff I'm now rolling around in.
Devon A. Snow chapter 3 . 2/11
#SorryNotSorry about the Puff pills. Especially if it contributed to a new chapter of Sevmione goodness!

Ooooo dang! Started off hot! Needed my fan right away. I don’t know why they just don’t sleep naked. Other than Sevora. But let’s be real, that’s what Locking. Charms. Are. For. And it’s healthier for your body anyway.

I love their pet names. “The terror, the spawn, the sprog” lmfao

Sevora would be best friends with Hagrid the way that she calls animals to her. Ooo and a perfect match for one of Luna Scamander’s twins (if you follow that part of canon)!

Uh oh. Trouble. Never a good thing to get an early knock from the ministry. I bet they know about Sev.

I was partially right. They somehow know that she has bern knocking boots with the Prince line. Invasion of privacy much? Ministry bastards.



Damn skippy woman! Be grateful for his alpha move! It’s hot! Ah, she gets it now. She likes his menace. That’s better.

The scene with Severus calling down the Unspeakables reminds me of a Bones episode where the FBI lady comes to do a threat assessment on the Jeffersonian Team and she asks Bones about an incident she isn’t supposed to know about. Bones makes that phone call and the whole investigation is terminated. None of this was relevant but I found it amusing.

Yes, Severus! I’ve been saying it from the beginning! You do fit together perfectly!

I like the symmetry of bookending the chapter with smut and lemons. It makes the reader feel like it’s the end because it feels like we have come full circle. I also like that it’s open ended because who wouldn’t make the possibility of more out of this universe. And Dash, your muse is such a fickle thing. She might come back to this.

Devon A. Snow chapter 2 . 2/10
DASH! I have not yelled in a good long time but I’m yelling now! Duck the ducking ducks and get to the actual ducking! I feel so teased! You might’ve said their was less smut or maybe even no smut but I chose to ignore that because I didn’t think you’d really do it. My one glimmer of hope is that you said you may add snippets of their life to the story. I’ll hold out hope that maybe one of those will be smutty.

You know I only yell when I love something. So therefore you must know how much I just adored this. I love a free and relaxed Sev, and he just melted my heart with the way he was with his daughter.

The 394 reference. Amazing. And I love when Severus gets caught off guard. And when Sevora goes after him to defend him to himself. Genius!

That moment when she realizes he is her father just tore my heart out and then put it back together in the space of a few seconds. It was so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.

I always hate the idea of lost time so that aspect of the years lost with his daughter just kill me. And the years lost with Hermione too because despite her being unsure at the end, we all know they are freaking perfect for each other!

The scene where they are asleep and Hermione tucks them in. That shared kiss. Boy, oh, boy! Does that promise some hot lemons later!

Dammit Dash! Even the kisses were hot I needed a fan. And I needed it so much that’s why I didn’t throw it. I was tempted. Sooooooo tempted. Maybe I’ll throw it at the ducks. I will forever be mad at ducks.

Snow out.
Devon A. Snow chapter 1 . 2/10
Dash! You put me in your story! You put me in your story! And you kept quiet about it! I love being the feisty book store owner. I LOVE IT. I only wish you had let me hex Ron’s balls off. *pouts* And Claw is in it too! Yay!

I went through a whole gamut of emotions in this chapter. Anger, love, sadness, giggles, incredulity. You are an amazing author in how you can lead the reader through all of these emotions without it all getting tangled up.

The billow and the obviously have killed me. I am ded. Dedded.

I’m writing this all out of order but I love Sevora’s name so much and you paint such wonderful imagery of her. I can see her face exactly. I’ve also decided that Madam Shaecia would have unofficially adopted her as a pseudo-grandchild.

Ron is such a useless twat. Harry isn’t much better but at least he comes around.

If anyone was in doubt about what happens if you fuck with Hermione Granger, this story would put them to rest. Just don’t do it. She will hurt you. Lots. I loved that line about how Hermione had shown she was a lion and not a raven. It was perfect!

Poor Hermione fainting dead away. I’m sure Severus would have that effect on me too.

I’m reading the next chapter immediately. So get ready for another review.

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