Reviews for First Meeting
TheLordsArchDevil chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
That was hilarious the are like fire and ice and you made it so obvious. Fun read.
Ankh-Ascendant chapter 1 . 8/9/2005
Okay, that was funny. Not haha funny, but amusing, make ya smile funny. It was very good.
Ashkenazi chapter 1 . 5/28/2005
Good story. But I'm wondering if they ever do meet in the series. Are there any more fics about these two? I'd like to see the two of them fight each other. Talk about an awesome match! Good story too.

~Kuro Murasaki
Ridicully L chapter 1 . 8/16/2003
This is nice, I like Hiko and you've captured his spirit so completely in this fic, same with Aoshi. It's a good one-shot that leaves the readers thinking!
Decadency chapter 1 . 6/28/2003
Nice, are you going to add more?
Taka and Keichirou chapter 1 . 5/30/2003
um, it's not a one-shot, is it?, you could do development...

like the passive meeting, leaves lots to the imagination...

i know this is an ad, but bear up...check my kenshin fic, it's what happens after the marriage of kenshin and kaoru...

Shadow Sun chapter 1 . 5/20/2003
Cat H chapter 1 . 5/19/2003
Hmm...I both like these characters, Aoshi more so but I really hadn't thought (until I read your fic) about Hiko getting a random thought of Aoshi as his student. Aoshi would look cool though in Hiko's mantle (ah, drool time!).
Kurtain chapter 1 . 5/18/2003
*sing song* I LOVE THIS FIC!

Not really funny, but I really laughed when Hiko Seijirou thought aloud Aoshi might fit his mantle.

Write another chapter! Have the Nethenthal man visit civilization/Aoiya for a weekend stay. Any fics with Hiko Seijirou in it makes my day.