Reviews for Speaking his Language
CureCaligraphy chapter 19 . 7/9
Eight, your Nine is showing.
CureCaligraphy chapter 17 . 7/9
Annnd Time War. Lovely.
CureCaligraphy chapter 12 . 7/9
Eight: I am going to fucking punch myself I swear.
Brax: I will join you.
Eight: I quite figured.
Stellarwitch chapter 81 . 7/4
Great chapter! I think Sarah Jane is the best companion for this moment, love it! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Curry chapter 93 . 5/28
Yay! Totally love this story. So very glad that you are still creating Doctor/Rose stories to share. This story is both captivating and refreshing.
Thorin'sChild110 chapter 93 . 5/24
This story is so amazing. I love it so much! You did such a fantastic job at writing. I can’t wait to see another one of your brilliant works! (Not trying to put any pressure on you though)
Moonbayb chapter 93 . 5/21
What an ending, and am so glad there's a sequel as I hope Brax is sorted out.
Kylaia78 chapter 93 . 5/21
An absolute epic tale that I just didn't want to see end. So very happy to see a sequelHave thoroughly enjoyed your story has kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and I'm looking forward to reading more in the upcoming sequel. A must read for the true Whovin
Neko Kirei chapter 93 . 5/21
Yeeeeeeeeeah ... I'm waiting for this since the begining ... I'm crying right now, because it's too beautiful ... After all the wait (for Rose and the Doctor, but for us (the readers) too) they are finally together ...
Neko-chan love, really really really.
Neko kiisss
(French, sorry for mistakes)
LovelyAmberLight chapter 93 . 5/21
Ha HA! Yeah! At last they're together.
I've got to express my admiration. Ninety- some chapters. That's 90 days of writing. You're amazing.
Thank you for sharing your imagination. Thank you for creating this world. I'll be looking forward to the sequel.
LovelyAmberLight chapter 92 . 5/19
I hated "Day of the Doctor," but you made it much less reprehensible. I dare say, the end of this chapter made it worth reading. Thank you.

The real question is whether Rose is going to want the Doctor back in her life right away. She was pretty angry with him at the beginning of the story, and she was furious with him when she was talking with Brax just before the whole "Master" situation. Besides, is she even conscious?

I have a feeling a few more heart strings might get plucked before this symphony finishes.
Ambray chapter 58 . 5/16
I'm really sorry that I am not someone who reviews every chapter.
However, I want you to know I have literally been reading this non stop for the past few days. Infact, I stayed up until 6am one night because I couldn't stop. I am now here at 4am for the same reason. If quarantine hadn't buggered my sleep pattern enough! Haha.

When I began reading I was a bit wary because I've never read any 8th Doctor stories before so I wasn't sure what to expect. Your writing made me stay though, I trusted that you were going to build an incredible story and wow have you delivered.

Obviously still have a tonne more to read, but I thought this an appropriate place to finally leave a message, as we seemingly say goodbye to the 8th Doctor. I'm really intrigued if that mean Ten is coming to find her and now we rebuild that relationship. It's been a real amazing rollercoaster of emotions and I fully believe and respect Rose's decisions all of the way. You've wrote her and the Doctor so very well. Can't wait to keep going. :)
Moonbayb chapter 90 . 5/15
Oh shelve the Oncoming glare. You're going to have to try harder if you want to intimate me. LOL! I also loved how you wrote Clara's part to fit our Jack's cheekiness.
RaziOUAT chapter 89 . 5/13
I can only laugh throughout this chapter. Well done bringing in the 9th Doctor. I can't wait what happens next then knowing you dear its gonna be epic. Rock or.
LovelyAmberLight chapter 89 . 5/13
This is so much better with Nine instead of Eleven. Originally, I thought you were writing Eleven with Jackleaving Rose to visit her mom in the future. I though you were letting the audience know Rose and the Doctor travel together with Jack during the Doctor's Eleventh life. I thought Brax had died of old age, because he'd become human and lived in Earth. This chapter made everything so much clearer. Thank you.
Numbering the Doctor's incarnation, or naming him (like War Doctor), really helped.
I'm still enjoying this. I love how you write Nine... and Elizabeth. Thanks for writing.

oh, i should warn you. Fanfiction. net has a limit of 100 chapters per story. You might need to combine a few chapters, or create a sequel, depending on the story length you intend.
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