Reviews for When Fire and Ice Meet
Isekaiee chapter 1 . 6/11
Loved the story so far! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
bdwilliams3 chapter 4 . 6/3
Loving the development so far. Excited to read more!
bdwilliams3 chapter 1 . 6/3
Great start! Excited to continue!
AriomAlucard chapter 4 . 5/1
I'm really looking for a and to the future of this fic. I also agree how much Daphne is alive. A throw off character in the books is almost universal agreed that she is.
1. Blonde
2. Blue-eyed
3. Ice-Queen
4. Smart as or smarter than Harmione
5. Neutral but leaning towards light.
6. Best friends with Tracy
7. Constantly making sure her persona doesn't crack
8. Hates Malfoy.

Honestly, she's my favorite.
LegitmateDamage chapter 4 . 4/28
Just out of curiosity, is this going to roughly follow canon or is this going to diverge after GOF?
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 4 . 4/21
For any cleanup edit.
Besides many SPaGs, there's some odd diction, from unusual, to maybe plain poor or wrong vocabulary choices.

I didn't make notes.
Some (even odd to awkward) sentence structure and descriptions and diction, at times, was interesting, perhaps from being unusual.
One coming to mind: the "joints" screaming for air.
Hmm. Ok, real life sans being arthritic, tendency for lungs to "ache", muscles get heavy and lethargic.
Checking with find tool, prior chapters, forgot this wasn't real life running around. But in another of those fanon "mind palace oculimency" creations(which I'm an anti fan).

Skimming in to figure what had read prior.
Noticing there's still the conflict in the disillusioned Madeye scene: disarming Madeye later has remark about stunning him.
The POVs there about Hermione, IMO could use some tweaking. Of course (even taking into account later developments after that scene, through this chapter) my guess for what you're attempting to portray, might be well off from what your trying to show(regarding Hermiones character & behaviour).

Consider leaning on canon, Ron outs Professor Alastor Moody's "Madeye Moody" nickname, than Minerva putting professor Madeye on timetables.

A/N Now before I get a few howler reviews on my version of Hermione.

Whether you further estrange Ron, beyond the wrong assumption, to for example, building resentment by Ron in not being included in imagining Harry able to enter names AND get additional champs chosen.

The possibly so called "betrayal" trope, IMO, has ability to clear the stage for say, a ship(or alt to canon friendship).
Dismembering the canon trio, or say, adding Hermione to Ron estrangement in book 4 canon, eliminates them from competing against some character that is inserted to join "team Harry" (or a Harry ship).

A lot of historic fanficdom when you were barely out of nappies, in nappies, or unborn:

A damn successful & likely pioneering of TwT estranged(shunned by own House) Harry, jbern "lies I've lived", interestingly unlike MOST for this sort of category of fanfic, Hermione remains smart & LOYAL.
And before years later, it became fanon doctrine, that Fred&George must be revered & forever always loyal to Harry. The two are not portrayed kindly. Fleur is a wonderful portrayal, who in the past, with what I deemed the ever growing Ice Bitch Daphne cliché stereotype with CAPITAL "B". I sometimes posted reviews in Haphnes, that amateurs should consider the arrogant French bitch Fleur, with a small "b", in Jbern "lies...", for inspiration. As the capital "B" Ic CH Daphnes, were effing ridiculous. Really, to take her abuse, even give her time of day, making Harry eligible for joining club for masochists seeking dominatrixes.

The author who started the Ice Queen, maybe was unaware, that in the "original 40" JKR notes, before renamed, Daphne was named "Queenie".
I'm unsure, but think prior to a sudden wave of Harry/Daphne. With zero to handful of Harry/Daphne. There were possibly for a while, many more Harry-Blaise fanfics. JKR book 6 not published yet, which explicitly outed Blaise as male. Country by country differ on popularity of Blaise as a name for males or females. Before book 6, likely due to few good Harry-Blaise pairings, when maybe fairly unusual for non Harmony or Hinney pairings.
Maybe book six, helped the first surges in Haphne popularity, lol, other than seeming ever surging tide of so much effing slash.

"amazing that the HP community has created an entire community revolving around a character, Daphne, despite only having a single line in the books."

Fyi if you didn't know. Seems or possibly actually reality, that fanfiction seems to trend along path, where the trend seems much less inspired by JKR, than cookie cutter copycatting recent popular fanfic(s).

Pondering right now, a hunch: with a somewhat popular push toward idea of "Slytherin Harry", perhaps helped trigger wave of Harry-witch(whois in Slytherin), once someone started writing one that captured large following. After all, even a not sorted into Slytherin Harry, can still get a piece of that, by pairing up with a Slytherin witch.

Just as during rare Haphne period. A successful popular Haphne triggered a tsunami of copy cat fanfiction.
Similarly, this happened for other pairings, Harry-Nym(Honks), Harry-Fleur (Flurry), Harry-Luna.
Possibly during one or more Harry-Luna surges, Harmony was so damn dominant, with or without militant reviews demanding shoving Hermione for "ooh, a "Lunar Harmony". Most irritating for me, a period that seemed "bait and switch", during period (waning?) of Flurry popularity, seemed often, those Flurry fics, progressing ok, would surprise insert Hermione, the Flurry turned without it evident in summary, into Harry-Hermione-Fleur. But might as well be Harmony, as Fleur then nearly ignored by story after Hermione inserted into the ship.
Harmony authors, exploiting a tidal surge of Flurry popularity? Tended to FAIL, IMO, not a fan.

"created an entire community revolving around a character, Daphne,"
Speculative, without much confidence in explaining how & why, BUT seems to me, while popularity tides surged and waned for various ships for Harry (Luna, Fleur, Nymphadora, Daphne, others), for more common alternative ships than canon or the perhaps during somewhat waning influence of the Harmony lobby. That Daphne HAS had more returning tide surges, and over long period, remained rather popular, than other non Harmony non Hinny, alternative ships for Harry.
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 2 . 4/21
Other than few SPaGs.

While I prefer going off canon rails. Often various canon bits are kept intact.
Pretty minor, but you have:
. "One of the stipulations for the cup, as it is reserved for 7th years only."

"Anyone who wishes to enter, and is of the required age, please enter your name before the 27th, ..."

I think canon has Cedric a sixth year, chosen over 7th year 17 or older students. But of age soon enough, to cross age line & submit his name.
Should one for example try to ship Harry-Fleur, and her NOT de-aged a year or more, not also nefariously entered by others, seems no one does the obvious, have her barely turning 17 in time (like say Oct 31, and that be the night champions are chosen). Since narrowing age gap even a little for a Flurry, helps. Yes this seems Haphne, but added the the above, who knows, you might write a Flurry ship some day.

"Um, sorry, I thought this was empty, " Harry stuttered, pink rose to his cheeks, this wasn't his idea for first impressions with these two.
"And you are?" trying to save some face.

While not the horrible fanfic cliché trope, of Harry not knowing Daphne's name, or worse, not even recognizing her.
This kind of skirts into that trope-isphere zone.

You might consider, after 3 years of school, if not Ron as well, Harry would not turn his back on an angry Malfoy. My suggestion, he turn his head and catching the wand draw, is drawing his own, but Daphne already dropping Malfoy. This also provides option for more elaborate aftermath, such as Minerva seeing Harry with his wand in his hand.

Odd, as if upper years hear firstie way out on water, seeing castle as it comes into view.

I'd think here: "What pompous brats," unfortunately for him, he realised he said that aloud, garnering the attention of his classmates, who simply just raised an eyebrow."
Harry being more outspoken might be helpful.

Win points with Astoria, who tells Daphne, should win points with Daphne.

I suggest you keep it posted, you're around Harry/Daphne ages. It slightly might help for blunting rude criticism, to be more constructive. Won't likely help a lot, but a little is still more than not at all.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/16
Sorry, I just can't imagine "Mad Eye" being an official name on a student's schedule. There's really nothing wrong with Alastair, is there?
D.J. Scales chapter 4 . 4/16
Nice job. That right there is impressive.
A Random Earthian chapter 4 . 4/16
Your story looks nice, I can't wait to see the next chapters.
The Hermione bashing part is well done in my opinion.
D.J. Scales chapter 3 . 3/20
Wow that explains a lot.
Sir Gewen Baudelaire chapter 3 . 3/2
Mad-Eye entering the room was a little confusing to read.

He took interest in Daphne? We'll that's worrying considering he's a death eater. Hopefully this isn't a story where Daphne becomes a death eater and takes the dark mark.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/17
It's an OK start. It feels rushed and disjointed in the first two chapters. When you write in a character's POV any scenes that do not feature that character shouldn't be in the section. So that scene with Tracey and Daphne in which they're talking, but Harry isn't present shouldn't be in that section of the story. Neither should any thoughts that any character has except the POV character. I would suggest doing away with POV's entirely. Insert some scene breaks and just write your story.
Sir Gewen Baudelaire chapter 2 . 2/17
Interesting start, but just a few things.

Wizards can actually cure cancer and any muggle disease. Wizards only die from magical diseases, and even physical injuries are easily healed.

Another thing, OWLs are in the fifth year, not the fourth year.

The second chapter was confusing at times. You wrote as if it's Harry POV, but near the end, he couldn't have known what Tracey and Daphne had done and thought after he left.

Overall the story had an interesting start, just keep the POV consistent
TheHPFanEV chapter 1 . 2/15
I like the plot. I will continue reading this story!
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