Reviews for Date A Live: The Lupus Devil
Raz chapter 5 . 8/5
Nice story is the later on barbatos Will get heavy damage?
Guest chapter 2 . 5/27
Are you kidding me? Mika wouldn't have fallen for that drugged water trick. You said it yourself the water changed to white. He would've noticed that instantly and known what she's doing.
Ghostly chapter 3 . 4/23 comment on his ‘whiskers’ or how he got them?
miku8967 chapter 2 . 4/24
bowham123 chapter 5 . 4/7
Adriaus Nighthunter chapter 5 . 3/24
i think it would be awesome that if they can make barbatos into a miniture size ms like he's wearing an armored gundam suit that would be intresting.
Phantom Dark-Knight chapter 5 . 3/7
Since Mikazuki appear in that world with Barbatos, than there an enemy with MA, MS or another Gundam in that world that Mikazuki has to forces to his old role, Killing Enemy with Barbatos, but we wanted Mikazuki live an normal life, but we also wanted him killing his enemy that is threat to his new friend without any mercy,
ptl chapter 4 . 3/3
I'm waiting for the meeting between Mika and Origami: two military aces and stoic poker faces that are considered one, if not the best on their respective organizations.

Bonus points considering Origami didn't meet Mika face-to-face and Mika wouldn't have cared to remember her.
castillofreddy837 chapter 5 . 3/2
The closing of this chapter reminds me of dragon ball
ptl chapter 5 . 3/2
So, did the sealing happen the same day do to Barbatos interfering? That was quick.

Oh crap, DEM are appearing much quicker than in canon.
castillofreddy837 chapter 4 . 2/24
Wonderful, like always!
xilpheedbreaker chapter 2 . 2/14
I really liked and very interesting
I want to see the next Mikazuki X Kotori _
Gamerman22 chapter 2 . 2/10
I have a feeling Mika will be going to school where her brother go, but problems, he still can’t read and write, unless he is teach by crew of the ship the little red head abroad.
raigalcc chapter 2 . 2/8
and the doc will be in alot of pain later
ptl chapter 2 . 2/7
Let’s see how Mika’s nonchalant personality will clash with the rest of the cast. Especially with his lack of resignation of killing. Oh well, Ratatoskr is there to help people of mass destruction to insert or reinsert themselves into society. Problem would be trying to make him not to use violence if someone pisses him off.

Oh, and the fact he isn’t virgin and had a son. That will be worthy a few laughs.

Ratatoskr would be somewhat surprised at the technology Mika possesses especially the Ahab Reactors, Nanolaminate Armor and the Alaya-Vijnanas, and those don’t use mana to work! And could also be horrified to his past as child soldier, which while not strange in DAL and they have the rights and capabilities of adult ones, in IBO, being one means you have to fight for your life at a young age forced to working for someone that doesn’t give a shit about you. Even DEM, while also treating its employees as disposable, cares to at least give them a pay.

Imagine Barbatos equipped with Combat Realizers. If he was capable to briefly subdue Tohka, whose mana discharges were able to ignore his armor, he could prove to be on par with high-end Wizards or battle airships in terms of output and performance.

We saw the effect of Sandalphon on a Gundam frame, what would the other Angels do to Barbatos?
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