Reviews for Love is (Unfortunately) Blind
Ven Wilbur chapter 14 . 3/2
I read this whole thing in one evening and loved it 3
SirDudeman28 chapter 14 . 2/26
The Princess’s bride is the greatest movie ever and I’m so happy you referenced it in your fic!
I love your work, please keep writing
Harmony735 chapter 14 . 2/16
I LOVE THIS STORY! I LOVE THE TWO OF THEM TOGETHER! I’m really looking forward to season 4, I hope the “big reveal” is going to be in that season over season 5
midgxrdian chapter 14 . 2/14
I love this so much, I love them more than I love my life
anonymousfriend27 chapter 14 . 2/14
I needed this fluff in my life. I cannot live without fluff anymore. Thank god for Valentine's Day.
Beatitude Girl chapter 14 . 2/14
Awe! That’s so cute! Also, funny thing, my dad actually started quoting that scene from the princess bride at my sister’s wedding. Like, not the rehearsal, the actual ceremony... and he quotes it in his sleep. But I loved this chapter! I’m sad to see that this is the end, but I loved the entire thing so much I’ll probably read it over and over.
TheyAlwaysUseADagger chapter 10 . 2/14
I love the double-blind reveals. Love them so much. It’s such chaos and there are so many elements that people just don’t play with often enough.
Cat Typical chapter 1 . 2/12
Little do you know, Ladybug, that you DO somehow improbably know each other and you equally unlikely fell for his civilian self.
mayuralover chapter 9 . 2/12
Heyo! Was on ffn and saw this updated, so here I am! Short and sweet chapter! I'm glad that maybe the angst is over...? Hopefully! Thanks for the chapter!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/10
How can they both think the other does not know?! They have to think the other one is stupid
Guest chapter 7 . 2/8
I love this so much
tpt player 5701 chapter 8 . 2/10
Wait, you mean they're both smart enough to figure out the other's identity when they all-but come right out and say it? Shocking!
Stormgate chapter 8 . 2/10
For the record, I did not know you liked double blind reveals. For that matter, I didn't know that was a term.

But, this has been cute.
Mckenzie Groven chapter 7 . 2/8
The chapter's are pretty short, but I love the fact that you post Every day.
It's interesting and you have a good sense of vocabulary, writing probably is a skill for you.
I'll be waiting to see the next chapter, and indeed write a review about it. _
Rose Tiger chapter 7 . 2/8
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