Reviews for To Take a Wife
Melstrife chapter 23 . 9/11
I cried from the pain. Poor Christine and Erik. But Erik did a noble thing beyond any man and still gave their stillborn daughter, Abigail, a real name and a record. He is a great man. It will take a while for them both to heal.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/8
Christine and Erik's pain with the baby is so very real. I was so sad when I read chap. 23 (even though I know it's a fictional story its still breaks my heart). Losing a child is very hard. It will definitely be a tough time for them. But hopefully she can have another one before too long. Did she even get to hold it? Erik's definitely got to make time for her now. So glad they named and recognized the baby with the priest and there is a record of birth. Keep updating. This is a good story. Just hope Christine can get respect from her household and quality time with Erik soon. She deserves some happiness. Thanks
NPennyworth chapter 23 . 9/8
*holds up vial of tears* your reward for this chapter, your writerliness
I am honestly torn, because poor Abigail and I am absolutely heartbroken for them BUT Christine's finally opening up about her struggles running the castle and Erik gets to reassure her and support her as she steps up and takes charge! Some Very Bad and Very Good things, I love how Erik's recording Abigail and I can see how this tragedy is going to make their marriage stronger as they support each other through their grief, looking forward to seeing that in future chapters!
Magnificent job, thank you so very much for this heartrending chapter and if you'll excuse me I think I need some fluff to recover before my inevitable reread.
grey lady of gallifrey chapter 15 . 8/25
Just started reading this story and it's delightful - however - there's barely a hint of romance or intimacy between this Erik & Christine up to this point, yet *boom* in this chapter she's pregnant? The only indication here is Erik with a very brief remembrance "...the love they shared that night..." My apologies for the critique.
O Desperado Sweetie O chapter 21 . 7/2
Thank you for the clarification on the time of the seasons. As well, as of yet I have never read the original novel so I was unfamiliar with why Erik referred to himself in 3rd person, but I will check it out. I have read other stories where he did that as well.

My only comment on the chapter, is that you are using singular instead of plural (i.e. woman instead of women).

I look forward to your next chapter. :-D
NPennyworth chapter 21 . 7/2
They're being domestic again and my heart is so full, I am grinning like an idiot and I just love this so much, the tournament is fantastic and her new dress is going to be amazing and they're having breakfast together and enjoying each other's company and it's the little things like this that really get me. Thank you so very much for this fic I adore it and will now begin my reread
NPennyworth chapter 19 . 7/2
NPennyworth chapter 18 . 7/2
*throws a shoe* ERIK you IDIOT she LOVES YOU or at least she would if you would TALK TO HER my GOSH
Technically I have summer classes that I'm supposed to be working on today but you know what? This story is far more important I canmot stop reading or I Will Die this is a work of art and I must appreciate it to the fullest my thanks knows no bounds
NPennyworth chapter 16 . 7/2
Hmm okay so turns out I need to tell you that I'd die for Nadir and love him and Antoinette and on the other hand I may need to murder some castle servants, I understand the protectiveness for Erik but can't they see he adores her and SO SHOULD THEY anyways I am living for these politics this is my weakness I just want Christine to be happy and she's the best lady ever and some servants better start shaping up because she is a sweetheart and doesn't deserve this
NPennyworth chapter 15 . 7/2
Me again because okay wow. I have Thoughts. First off, let me just scream for a moment here because HE LOVES HER HE'S HOPELESSLY IN LOVE I CAN'T okay now onto more coherent thoughts: Christine is the best. I love seeing her in charge of the household, Christine with organizational superpowers may be one of my favourite things ever. Meg is here and it's great I love the household. Erik and Christine playing chess together is fantastic, I am weak for Christine making certain Erik is eating a little every day, the picnic is fantastic and WE ARE BACK TO SCREAMING because they are having a BABY and despite being married Erik is still hopeless at flirting but they both care about each other! Not necessarily in a super romantic relationship (yet) but in a really cute and amazing supportive husband and wife dynamic that gives me life! But they both want more from it and now Erik is going to do that stupid "withdrawing from her because the heir is all she cares about" thing and I may not survive reading this but I will die happily thank you very much.
NPennyworth chapter 6 . 7/2
Hi I just need to let you know that I'm not even halfway through this story and I am hopelessly in love. The characters, the worldbuilding, the politics, the fantasy setting, the quality ship content, I am actually flailing and squealing and blushing and my family thinks I'm insane already and there's still so much goodness for me to read, thank you so very much for making my day with this fic you'll probably get another comment like this when I finish reading the rest i just couldn't wait to tell you that I adore your writing
Melstrife chapter 21 . 6/26
Welcome back. Glad Erik and Christine are still growing.
Sarya33 chapter 15 . 6/25
Their kiss was very cute, and I'm liking your fic. Keep it up! :3
O Desperado Sweetie O chapter 19 . 5/30
Why did he refer to himself in the 3rd person? That made no sense to me. I hope that will be answered in a chapter.

Glad that they made their declaration of love to each other though!
O Desperado Sweetie O chapter 15 . 5/30
I really like this story, but I must confess this chapter had me scratching my head. It is the middle of winter and she is playing in the ocean for 2 hours. She would have gotten hypothermia in a matter of minutes, unless she was born and raised in the water. Other than that, great chapter.
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