Reviews for The Lady and the Thief
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 8 . 6/18
Man! This was a great story. Shame to see it end now, but it truly was excellent. I assume that Lorenz had married Leonie? You didn’t specify, but that’s what I believe happened.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 7 . 5/14
Great chapter!oved this! Do you mean the Crest Signs? Apparently, I heard that you simply put the one of them you want in that specific character’s inventory. From there, the rest is easy peasy!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 6 . 4/1
Excellent work! I enjoyed this. Seems there may yet be hope for Dimitri! Although it is still upsetting to see that his rage has consumed him so much.
Vanar chapter 5 . 3/30
Ok so far this just seems like a retelling of the blue lions story like strictly. You’ve so far only mentioned ashes and Ingrid relationship like once which kind of sucks and you keep switching whose is the narrator which is really confusing man. I mean this in the nicest way but you should re write this because it’s not the best. One more thing if your going to summarize about the support conversation then just don’t write them in that’s all from me but I think you can do better.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 5 . 3/13
Another excellent chapter! Well done. Looking forward to more! See ya next update! I’m quite excited with what you’ve possibly planned!

Also, loved the interaction between Bernie and Annie. It also helped that I watched both of their Supports with Byleth. Both were immensely cute AND emotional!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 4 . 3/7
Another good chapter! Hm! I had a feeling that you’d go that one route for Byleth’s future pairing!

But I digress. Keep this up!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 3 . 2/29
Good work! Loved this! So far, so good. And that idea about Byleth being Minister of Defense of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus sounds like an intriguing one! I’d say it’s much better than Byleth simply teaching again at Garreg Mach or becoming the new Archbishop. But yea. I digress.

As for a possible pairing, I wouldn’t mind seeing Byleth and Bernadetta. Or maybe even Annette. I heard her confession was quite an emotional one. Anyway, those are my opinions for now.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 2 . 2/14
Good work! Looking forward to more.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 1 . 2/6
Wow I this is off to a great start! And yes, I am in full agreement! When I first saw Ashe’s and Ingrid’s Support, I had to see them paired up in ANY story I could find! Alas...there was nothing. So I wish you luck with this endeavor! I’ll be keeping an eye on this!
X the Reaper chapter 1 . 2/4
Meh, honestly, you could easily do a story with them both jumping ship to another House (heck, Ashe would happily go over to the Black Eagles after what happens with Lonato if Byleth convinced him and would gladly wage war on the Church for its darker side) and it would make for some juicy bits about how being a knight is more than just serving your lord or staying with your homeland without a thought, but being willing to fight for the cause you believe is right even if that means going against everything.

I for the record did in fact manage to pair them up on Crimson Flower, so I admit I have a bit of a soft spot for that idea.