Reviews for The Art of Deception
Guest chapter 7 . 7/31
Omg she's having the baby
Guest chapter 7 . 7/31
I am just in shock
Guest chapter 7 . 7/25
Omfg I can't, now Narcissa is taken away, Lucius showed up and back to nothing with Draco and Hermione, I mean he's back to being like wtf woman, can you ever be truthful to me and now Hermione is going into labour, omfg can they just be happy ugggh
oohchiha chapter 7 . 6/23
omg wow that was intense
hayhaysladerzxx chapter 7 . 6/10
I managed to read the entirety of “The Art of Betrayal” and now I’m caught up on “The Art of Deception” all in 2 days. Should I have been doing my summer class work instead? Absolutely. Do I regret it? Absolutely fucking not. Amazing. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a story and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8
Binge the entire thing after finding it on A03

I LOVE this story. Your writing is incredible.

Thankyou for taking so much time to write an amazing story that I can get lost in. It’s helped me in so many ways the last few days to forget about the world.

I hope you’re doing ok and I am eagerly waiting on the next chapter.
Shirlee chapter 7 . 6/3
This is absolutely AMAZING! Eagerly awaiting the next update :) I read it all in one go! I understand where Draco’s coming from but I feel his actions early on were extremely hurtful and out of line, especially after such a traumatic event like a miscarriage. Hermione was literally a shell of herself and Draco was too cowardly or too stuck in his own anger and hurt to make the necessary step towards reconciliation until Hermione nearly dead taking bullets that were intended to target Draco. But then again I LOVE angst so I absolutely gobbled it all up! Your story is making me feel things ️ I also love Draco’s POV and how it provides a contrasting perspective! The newspaper articles with the first person narration at the start of each chapter is also such a unique and interesting touch — hopefully this means Dramione will get their happily ever after, considering Hermione seems to have successfully given birth
buriedromance chapter 7 . 5/26
I found this from the art of betrayal you posted on AO3...what a saga! :)
Guest chapter 7 . 5/25
Did you change your name from The first wife to Kate hathoway?
toothfairyliz chapter 7 . 5/24
I just found art of betrayal like two days ago, I have been binging this story up until this point! I cannot wait for the next chapter.
Chlooooooooooe chapter 7 . 5/10
OMG I can’t wait for the next chapter!
LarryFND chapter 7 . 5/10
So freaking good!
Mandark0101 chapter 6 . 5/4
I love how you incorporated the wicked witch argument!
rkc1991 chapter 6 . 5/3
wow thank you for BLESSING us on this Sunday. I’m in awe of you giving us exactly what we need. What a chapter. Also I’ve never commented about your chapter titles and your taste in rap music is great! Icon!
LarryFND chapter 6 . 5/3
Oh how is she going to tell Draco?! Wonder how Narcissa is going to explain herself when Tom let's the cat out of the bag! Such a great chapter!
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