Reviews for Alone Again, With Only A Feather to Call My Own
CrimsonKitty88 chapter 8 . 6/3/2004
so sad! Please write more soon!
Esca-lover chapter 1 . 9/29/2003
Wow...i've only read one chapter, but i see true maturity in your writing. This story is so well written, i felt for the characters. I could feel the sadness and pain Hitomi's family was going through. I could feel her desperation...I'm impressed! It's not often that you find extremely talented writting on this site! I will be reading more of your story later today. I'm looking forward to it!

I'd love it if you could check out on of my stories...If it's not too much to ask! It's only 3 chapters as of right now, but more is to come. I think it might be right up your alley, and i'd love to hear your opinion. It's called "Whispers of the Mind". My other fics are alright, i guess, haha. "Desperation is finished, but a revised edition will be posted soon, I'd wait for that one, haha. Ink Stained Hands is a simple friendship fic, yet to be finished.

Anyway, enough about me! Thanks again for posting, and ill be looking forward to reading more!
dillpops chapter 8 . 7/3/2003
Wow, several more chapters! I love them all :)
Angry Blood Sister chapter 8 . 7/2/2003
'Romeo and Juliet' was my favorite next to 'Hamlet'. The fairy tale in chapter 7 was quite good as well, and the two, as I suppose was your purpose, blend beautifully, they are the same only with different names, but what's in a name? hehehe, just me trying to be funny, don't pay too much attention, 'tis never a good choice when one chooses to humor a fool. D lol.

Do keep up this compelling story.

~Tabitha, The Mad Hatter
naria4 chapter 5 . 7/2/2003
hey that was so great you have a powerful story, i love your writing
Lynn chapter 6 . 7/2/2003
Such a good story! Powerfully written, god, Van's amazing in this story. It's funny how Hitomi is not really alive in this story, but her prescence and feelings are always there. Its so tragic too! Please continue!
Angry Blood Sister chapter 6 . 7/2/2003
You are truly inspired. This is an amazingly beautiful story. The imagery you paint with your words is absolutely enchanting and at once heart-wrenching. I am captivated by your tale. Please, continue.

~Tabitha, The Mad Hatter
Senzafine chapter 5 . 7/2/2003
Thank you so much for such sweet reviews! I'm sorry for the lack of updates. But now that school's out of session for a good two months, my updates will be more regular. I promise!

dillpops chapter 5 . 7/2/2003
Wow...seriously...this is such a beautiful're really talented!
Angry Blood Sister chapter 4 . 6/1/2003
Oh that really was beautiful, and believable too. What I mean is that it sounds like it could have come from Fanelia with what songs I've heard in Escaflowne. Very well done, and of course it has its part in the story. Everything does, whether it's planned or not. hehehe.

Please, do continue.

Yours Truly,

~Tabitha, The Mad Hatter
Angry Blood Sister chapter 3 . 6/1/2003
Beautifully written. I believe you captured Hitomi's melancholia perfectly.

Off to read next chapter...

~Tabitha, The Mad Hatter
naria4 chapter 4 . 5/30/2003
hey thats a nice song
sweet chocolate chapter 3 . 5/29/2003
hey that was a sweet story
dillpops chapter 3 . 5/29/2003
I did get confused in certain parts of this chapter but it all came through in the end. Lovely and sad at the same time.
hitomi-chan chapter 3 . 5/29/2003
wow, stardust eyes, you can really write!

i love your story, it's so sad, but so beautiful. all your words have so much emotion and i don't know how you do it, i can only feel what your words mean, hitting me like crashing waves.

i think it was a very good idea to have an entry from hitomi's diary, it really felt as if i was reading her mind, all i can say is that it was incredible, your work is incredible. it's okay that you had a little bit of sensual, it's the romance that we will never see between van and hitomi, your words are so powerful, wow!

please continue with your good work, and i can't until you up-date! good luck writting the next chappy, i know it's going to be another thrill.

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