Reviews for The Pivotal Moment
HGRHfan35 chapter 33 . 7/9
Hi there. Usually, if I like/love a story, I do my best toleave a review for most chapters. I failed to do that this time.. my apologies for that but you see, it was SO GOOD that I just kept on going and going, ‘turning’ page after page, chapters flew buy and with each twist my eyes got bigger.
Damn good story. Would love to read more ReyLo from you.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/1
neverest chapter 33 . 6/15
This a rollercoaster that I actually enjoyed being on. It was a fantastic read. glad they got a happy ending. Thank you for sharring with us readers. and I hope you have a great day.
ldyjaydin chapter 33 . 6/7
What a great story! I really enjoyed the twists and turns, especially the original Kylo Ren finding her in the other universe. I was pretty saddened that the second Ben, the one she married, ended up dying. Might have been fun having two of them! You ever watch the show Counterpart?

Sorry I dropped off the face of the Earth so long. I got the bug to write a Reylo fanfic, and I can't read and write it at the same time. But I'm finally finished! Would love to get another author's opinion on it. It's called "Rewriting History".
scifiromance chapter 33 . 6/2
This was a very cute epilogue! I'm glad they carved out some happiness!

Thanks for writing!

Shruti chapter 33 . 5/29
This is us just so good!
Lylex96 chapter 33 . 5/29
I loved this story! You did such an excellent job writing it!
ilai chapter 33 . 5/29
So cute
TheoR8 chapter 30 . 5/29
OMG. My head is spinning, but in a good way, no one has ever done this with these story lines. Totally unexpected which is a nice change after all the FF I've read, thank you! Can't believe it's almost over. :(
cdknelson chapter 33 . 5/29
I loved your epilogue... so sweet and a beautiful glimpse of their happiness. Thank you so much for this amazing story - it was a delight to read!
viola1701e chapter 33 . 5/29
loved this chapter!
and thank you for sharing your story with us...its been a blast
BrokenMentality chapter 33 . 5/29
SO CUTE! I loved this! It was so adorable!
SehunsBae37 chapter 33 . 5/29
Aww, I loved it! Living a nomadic lifestyle isn't ideal, but they make it work, and I love that they still intersect with Chewie. I guess the others were lost causes. And Ben and Rey being parents to mischievous, force sensitive children is hilarious. Their love stood the test of time (all time) and they will continue to. Great story!
Red Panda chapter 33 . 5/29
I re read this chapter and love it even more. I love Ben as a dad!
Adorable. I love the children's names and I love Chewie is in their lives!
Red Panda chapter 33 . 5/29
I love their lives of domestic bliss ! Woo hoo!
Thank you thank you thank you
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