Reviews for Road to parenthood
AndieLGranger chapter 6 . 7/25
OMG Hermione's snark! I love it
Guest chapter 6 . 7/24
Please write more soon. I can’t wait to see just how Sirius reacts to Ginny’s behaviour.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/16
Hahahaha! Narcissa would have been proud! GO HERMIONE!
Ormite21 chapter 4 . 6/27
This story is so good. I don't usually read Harmony fanfictions but this is really good. Please update often and if you could, make the chapters longer!
starlite22 chapter 6 . 6/25
Wow, horrible Aurther Hermione won’t be liking him, and great reply to Ginny.
halfbloodnorwegian chapter 6 . 6/24
I abseloutly LOVED this chapter, especially the little fight ginny and hermione got startet on in the end (please do continue that in the next chapter, that would be very entertaining)
I can't wait for the next chapter!
MadammeSnape chapter 6 . 6/17
Oh my god this is just so good! This meeting has me in tears. I hope you update soon. Love this so much!
Nortia2 chapter 6 . 6/11
Damn I love that Ginny is going to be very, very dissapointed to never get together with Harry. I mean it could happen but with the way this fic is going it looks like Harry and Hermione will realize pretty early that they belong together

If you don't plan to go that road though, I hope you give Hermione someone to date so Sirius goes absolutely crazy and we see jealous Harry. I believe we can get the jealousy even with them getting together early, buuuuut if you prefer to take longer it would be pretty hilarious
tlc125 chapter 6 . 6/10
Narcissa WOULD BE proud! I wonder if Ginny was just repeating what she heard adults say in a childlike way or if she was showing her jealous side? How will the parents handle a cat fight during lunch? Lol. Thanks for the update.
SLYNNR chapter 6 . 6/10
Verdant Phoenix chapter 6 . 6/9
To be fair, Ginny started it. When Lucius and Narcissa hears about this though, they’re going to spoil Hermione even more!
LunaM303 chapter 6 . 6/9
go Hermione don't take nothing from nobody speak your mind
ReaderOfDramione chapter 6 . 6/9
This chapter was great especially with Hermione's comment about Ginnys ugly personality
Arodri chapter 6 . 6/9
This chapter was wonderful! I’m loving seeing more history with the Malfoys and the adorable father/daughter bonding with Sirius. This was so great! That last bit though with Ginny was just exceptional! Arthur has it right that she could be rude and Hermione served it back beautifully!
Arodri chapter 6 . 6/9
Damn go Hermione!
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