Reviews for Through Space and Time
CharlieBoneFan chapter 8 . 8/20
Great story! I love how Han made a joke to Ben about him killing him.
HGRHfan35 chapter 8 . 7/21
I absolutely ADORED this story. Original. Riveting. Exciting. Sweet. And a HEA. Could not have asked for more...well... perhaps more than just a glimpse of that future...
RedPandaJoy chapter 8 . 6/23
I have re read this story so many times. I just love it so much !
If ever you write an epilogue- you know I will be reading it 50 times!
tpotolvr chapter 1 . 6/13
Someone may have already pointed this out, and I wouldn’t do so except that you said you welcome help with grammar/spelling. Chapter 2: Ben shuttered... This should be spelled “shuddered”. Really enjoying this so far. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Red Panda chapter 8 . 6/9
"Rey deserved it all before the end, and oh how Ben wished to make it happen. To traverse the Galaxy together, showing Rey all the lands she had never been allowed to see. To spend months properly courting her, to prove that his feelings went beyond mere infatuation. To marry her on this peaceful planet that had once been his home and to whisper words of love as they shared a wedding bed. To raise whatever number of children she desired in a house surrounded by green. To ensure that the only time her feet would ever sink into searing hot sand again, would be instantly cooled by a wave drifting along the shore. And yet, a part of him knew it was selfish to dream of such things when he knew how the fight would end"
These are my favorites lines - so raw and gorgeously Ben.
You are an incredible writer!
I am a faithful fan to your story. I wish it was longer!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/5
Loving this fic! Cant wait for more!
RC chapter 8 . 5/30
This is among my all time favorite stories - I has hoped you would write an epilogue. It is a magnificent story!
Red Panda chapter 8 . 5/23
I re read this story. I love the utter poignancy and sweet moments of this story... I love the shared vision ... I love Rey's relationship with Han and Leia. Most of all, I love the Han - Ben interactions.
Love this story!
reylo.trash594 chapter 5 . 5/18
I love it bro
reylo.trash594 chapter 4 . 5/18
I actually started crying while reading this chapter lol
reylo.trash594 chapter 3 . 5/18
I honestly am in love with this fanfic!:)))))))))))))))))))))
reylo.trash594 chapter 2 . 5/18
I want you to know that I am probably gonna leave a review for every chapter because this book is so awesome!
reylo.trash594 chapter 1 . 5/18
I actually really love this fanfic!
Red Panda chapter 7 . 5/16
This story has also captured my heart!
rjsethjob02 chapter 8 . 5/5
I loved this one It gave me all the feels I was searching for from Reylo! I started and ended reading it specially on the 4th of May and I want to read more from you! Great job
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