Reviews for Remnants
AK-103 chapter 1 . 4/23
Man, I'd love to see how things go from here onwards!
Kore wa watashi chapter 1 . 4/9
I love everything about this story already. A martial artist MC with two of my favorite Shek characters preparing to take the world by storm? COunt me in!
Lord of Forgetfulness chapter 1 . 2/15
Nice. Well, sort of, if I'm being particularly nitpicky, there are several typos and weirdly written sentences (and one too many "chills down their spines", for example), but those things aside I'm looking forward to read whatever comes next. Good luck, and be careful of the cannibals.
AlphariusMagyar chapter 1 . 2/11
This is great! I just got into Kenshi so it’s nice to see stories about it.