Reviews for The Walking Dead But Your Choices Actually Matter
Guest chapter 63 . 23m
Nooo! Mark, you were too good for this cruel world. RIP. I wish we had gotten to know his last words and see him and the group say their goodbyes to each other tough. At least he was a man of his convictions to his last breath, and bought back Lee&Co. into the group, which is nice, even if felt like a bit of deus ex machina. I say we leve both of them to guard duty, I don't trust Duncan, and he has Travis to turn into a walker if he so wishes. We do have Carley and Chuck as reinforcements compared to canon, so we will hopefully get by without the kid's help if Crawford have turned into an undead town, and if it hasn't yet, then having them would not be much help anyway. I wish we could have left Ben too, but then who would be stupid enough to let the horde into the building? Hope he dies before we have to drop him from the bell tower. I vote D.
Guest chapter 63 . 44m
Choose D
reader 67 chapter 63 . 54m
Sorry, I made a blunder, I've meant to write D.
reader 67 chapter 63 . 56m
Man, for real? Vernon was fr*ckin' brought to tears over how good a man Mark had been, and they still decided not to even try to save him by cutting down his bitten arm? And even looking past that, we didn't even got to see him saying his farewells, no message left from him to Lee, his best friend, for when he returns, and barely any reaction on anyone's part from the group, on either Marks' passing, Vernon's and Molly's introduction, or Lee&Co's return. I think this part should have had much more detail and focus on Marks last moments to honor him and use this chance to flesh out the others a bit more, if not wholly dedicated to that, considering the title of chapter. The rest of the things covered in this one then could have moved into the next one, and we could have gotten bit more say in making the plan to raid Crawford. I mean, Lee had been on a choice making spree this chapter, all without our input, about accepting Vernon's plan to go there, allowing Ben to come along, the handling of Molly, whether we change our plans or not as Vernon asked. I say we leave them both at the mansion. If Crawford is still standing, and we get into a confrontation with them, the kids being there would be a huge risk, to their safety, our chances of escape, and to Duck's moral integrity, (he would be willing to defend the group by killing the living, and that wouldn't help his mental health at the moment.) On the other hand, if Crawford has already fallen, then bringing them along would still not bring any other benefit, than potentially saving Molly from a walker after Ben has eventually f*cked the whole operation up killing Brie and putting everyone's lifes at risk. But with Carley there she could be saved, so taking the kids is a lot of risk for little to no possible gain. Finally, with Duncan still possibly out for blood, it might be wise to be on the lookout for Travis too, as I cpuld see him die and turn and be in need of a bullet in the head to help him settle down, Duck or Clem being there to hold the home front could save Omid in that case. So I go with A.
blaszczu2500 chapter 63 . 1h
I'll go with B
Guest chapter 63 . 1h
I choose D. If we take only one, people won't like our decision to take one kid to Crawford, especially Kenny considering his son is an option. If we take both, then everyone would dislike our decision to take two kids there, and the stranger will use that later on when we confront him. I honestly believe D is the only smart and safe option.

As for the question of the chapter, I will have to say no. I don't regret getting Mark killed because the way he went is a brave one and one not many people get to have in the game. He was also a liability considering his hand, and depending on where he got bit, he could've been fine or completly screwed.
Guest chapter 63 . 1h
fusernamec: This is gonna be really difficult, but seeing as everybody else except the two injured are going, I say B. Duck’s trigger finger might actually come in handy if he’s holding down the fort, which is equally if not more important than the mission. Molly is also injured this time around, so we might need Clem more than ever. Although, we also have Ben with us...

As for the question, fuck me man. I loved and hated Mark’s death at the same time. I loved it because my boy got to go out a hero, sticking with his ideals, but I loathed it because one of my favorite characters is now dead. Man, you are doing God’s work with this book.
midnightrebellion86 chapter 63 . 2h
I haven't voted in awhile. RIP Mark.

This is a tough choice. I'm going with D. I think having 2 non injured people at the mansion with guns is a good idea. A.B ot C is just asking for the mansion to be lost.
Necrogigas chapter 63 . 2h
B: Only you, not Duck.

Duck's proven that his judgement in the field isn't reliable yet. I do think, however, that he can be trusted to handle things if Travis or Omid turn.

Mark abandoning the group would be against his character, so his death was a necessary sacrifice.
Sokol848 chapter 63 . 3h
B: We shouldn't risk having 2 kids with us, but Molly is injured this time. Clementine might need to be there to save Molly.
Welcome-to-the-404 chapter 63 . 3h
I don't regret getting Mark killed.

Honestly, he was a liability. Not only did Mark have glasses (aka poor eyesight), but he was basically missing a hand. I also have a feeling Vernon might be more willing to not steal the boat considering Mark's sacrifice.

Plus, if Mark's death was literally the only reason Lee, Chuck, and Clem (who were literally leaving the city), even found the group.

His death, while disappointing, was neccessary. Plus, since it's not happening I can mention it, really the only potential Mark had for plot is a relationship with Molly (and yet I see no route to how that may have occurred).

Now onto the choice we have to make for this chapter.

Let's be honest. B and C are both horrible options. If you take one it's only going to anger the other. It really should be both or neither.

As for my vote...I got to go with D. This whole situation is a double egged sword, as the Stranger might attack when we are gone (everybody but Omid and Travis are going).

However, Ben's going, and Duncan said he'd want to kill Duck if possible, and Clementine doesn't actually do much other than color in Crawford anyway.

Plus, Kenny is gonna be pissed at us for taking Duck.

Here is how I think I would have Lee say it.

"Clementine. We may need as many people as possible, but I need you and Duck to stay here. It's not that I don't trust you both to come with us, but we can't just leave Omid and Travis to fend for themselves. What if the walkers or someone looking to steal the boat come? We need people here to defend the base if the need arrises. I'm trusting you and Duck with their lives and our future."
Commissioner Han chapter 63 . 3h
D. Crawford is a fucking death trap and you are known to kill of characters in scenes where we thought they would be safe. So no to sending them, don't want to lose one of the kids or somebody else because of a mistake here. It's safer if they stay here, Travis and Omid will probably make it so they are safe at the house. Even if the Stranger does try to grab Clem or Duck at the house, he would be shot to death by Duck before he could get away.
AlexFalTon chapter 63 . 3h
Goodbye Mark. You are a nice guy, and that still never changed.

Choice A) Take them both. They'll come anyway and at least they can shoot.
josepablomartinez100 chapter 62 . 11h
B they are gonna need help getting into Crawford
DoTiLaTiDo chapter 62 . 13h
All of a sudden it jumped from 6 A and 14 B to 11 A and 16 B. Got a lot closer than how it was, still stand by my vote that B should win.
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