Reviews for Morning Star
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 2 . 7/25
This is a very real look at grief and while it is depressing, I think it is interesting. I'm really waiting for the day that Bakugou pushes him too far and he just barriers him to the ceiling while walking out. Or barriers his hands so no one can be hurt or something like that.

Looking forward to more. :)
StandingMan chapter 1 . 6/27
Alright, read this but never reviewed and I really wanted to review this.

This really has me curious on how you plan on continuing the story from this point. All Might dying early is a very interesting take on the series given how much he means to hero society. He held hero society together so for him to die in his first confrontation with All for One and have the system in disarray and the public confused is a good take.

Gonna be honest, love that you’re not going stations of canon again like most writers and have a completely new path going. And the writing style reminds me heavily of Traveler which is a definite plus. There’s a professional feel to your style.

Keep up the great work.
808Joker808 chapter 2 . 6/24
Interesting story. So without All Might does this mean that Yu will kinda take on a mentor role to Izuku? Also when I read the title for this story I thought Izuku's quirk would be something to do with manipulating fire or light XD
PokeKing Charizard chapter 2 . 6/17
Interesting story so far. I'm curious to see how it will progress. You have my attention.
Diaspared chapter 2 . 6/10
That is an incredibly powerful ability you've given Izuku, and frankly all he needs is an exceptionally efficient oxygen tank to turn into Green friggin Lantern.
AngelFaux chapter 2 . 5/16
So, while the tone is kinda depressing, it's very cool to see a believable reason why Izuku could develop a Quirk at that age.

Izuku having had a decent relationship with his dad is a breath of fresh air. Yu ending up in critical condition so soon after her debut is a depressing sign of the post All Might time.

And Aether Ward?Cool name and a creative downside.

And I would like to point something out, the conditions for activating Sir Nighteye's Quirk is considered a secret but I'm unsure if the Once pee 24 hours limit is well known.

Oh and just to let you know I'm also an avid Traveler fan haha.

Can't wait for more.
AngelFaux chapter 1 . 5/16
For a first chapter this is looking very good.

Izuku's Quirk looks interesting, powerful but not too powerful and isn't about overwhelming power.

Mt Lady is a nice touch. I've been seeing her alot in BnHA stories,most of them good ones
Which Brew chapter 2 . 5/15
Enjoyed reading this. It's an interesting quirk and I've enjoyed the interactions between the characters. An interesting concept to explore as well.
FrostyChops chapter 1 . 5/2
Damn, this is one HECK of a first chapter, solid hook and a juicy beginning! Nice work! :D
BukkakeNoJutsu chapter 2 . 5/1
Damn if izuku forms a ward inside a villain’s body he could bisect them
YoungConductor chapter 2 . 4/30
hoping that bakugo gets some character development and isnt left to stew in the pile of shit that is his old personality
YoungConductor chapter 1 . 4/30
what the fuck man this is so well-written. i wanted the chapter to end sooner just so i could leave this review lol. great descriptions and prose, little to no adverbs... this is really good
woodxvii chapter 2 . 4/30
This is well written, I appreciate the way everyone is reacting to the news and it feels real how panicked and teetering everything is. His quirk seems to fit him as a character really well too, and the drawback is a hard limit I can appreciate
Orcinus21 chapter 2 . 4/18
Your words are exceptionally indulging as far as fanfiction goes. And I definitely got traveller vibes there, which I realised at the end of your author note. Maybe it's the somber way of writing?

I am excited for more, and possible world building and character development. This is entirely a new setting in this archive. Eagar to see where you lead us to...

Update soon and stay safe.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
I love this so far keep it up
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