Reviews for The wolf and the moon
Guest chapter 6 . 7/16
Tell me this is neither Disney's Frozen 1 nor Disney's Frozen 2 all over again.
LivininCorsets chapter 6 . 7/16
Well let us know where it is so we can find it :)
Fanfictions4ever chapter 5 . 6/5
to be completely honest i think your story wouldve done extremely well if u had kept jack as a wolf that couldnt speak. then you couldve focus on interaction between the people an the wolf like how you had Anna an him interact very nice scene btw. anywho good luck on the story
Guest chapter 3 . 3/26
Tell me this doesn't have to follow any of Disney's Frozen 1's canon events.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/19
Nice start keep it coming
Starpottergeek chapter 2 . 2/20
good story update soon
CrystalColden chapter 1 . 2/16
I am looking forward the what this delivers.