Reviews for 21 BBC Sherlock: A Case of Separation
sweetmarly chapter 3 . 3/4
WELL! You have certainly nailed their personalities. You have insights into how all these people think and feel and interact and make me think of how they all mesh together as a family of sorts. Perfect ending. Sherlock is still a colossal prat though!
sweetmarly chapter 2 . 3/4
What the heck?! Sherlock is a large size virtual pain in the nether regions...GEEZ! What is so darn important that he can't keep his friends informed? Geez, he could fake some dialogue keeping them happy and unconcerned but no he has to be mysterious and cryptic and worry the heck out of them. His name should be written under the dictionary heading for drama queen. Okay, small rant over. Wynsom, you sneaky lady you! You know that Sherlock would not give them false news because he promised not to do that sort of thing. So at least sending them a text once in a while IS his way of honouring that isn't it? He is so tone deaf for emotions and how people react that he doesn't realize what he is doing to them because he really can't fathom why people would care so much? You've got me frustrated so I have to go to chapter three and find out! Great story!
sweetmarly chapter 1 . 3/4
What compels me about this chapter is the friendship. These two know each other so well. I have never had a friend who would miss me if I disappeared off the planet for 10 months but then I probably was not a good friend...ha ha ha. It's nice to read a story about a more mentally developed Rosie. I never particiularily identified with Mary but I can see that you are trying to keep her to canon and made her a good person for John and Rosie to cherish, as perhaps it should be. I find it ironic that Sherlock would participate in play for the purpose of making Rosie a better person and also as a scientific project and also to be with the two people he loves best in the world. Very nicely thought out chapter and a build up to something exciting I think.
englishtutor chapter 3 . 2/25
Aww, Rosie's precious! I love that she recognized Sherlock easily, even though he was so changed that John himself looked right past him. God-like, she looks not on the appearance but on the heart. A delightful reunion all around. The reference to promises one is unable to keep was heart-rending but so truthful. And Sherlock made a list of his injuries for John! Priceless!

I agree with JolieBlack: we must now have your version of "The Politician, the Lighthouse, and the Trained Cormorant". I have seen this handled only once before in this forum and I would love to see your take on it.
mrspencil chapter 3 . 2/21
This is a wonderful chapter...with just enough detail in true Doyle fashion to arouse curiosity about Sherlock’s activities...and a very effective reunion. Well done:-)
MHC1987 chapter 3 . 2/20
Attention getting opening and you kept us reading through to the end of the chapter. Rosie running right to Sherlock and ignoring everything and everyone else is priceless. Rosie's mentioning of the items in the freezer was an indirect but meaningful way to communicate to Sherlock that he was missed by both Watsons. Thank you for a truly interesting, humorous and enjoyable read.
mrspencil chapter 2 . 2/20
Such a fascinating and frustrating series of encounters with Mycroft...not surprised John is running out of patience.
librarywitch chapter 3 . 2/20
Oh delightful. Well done
scrub456 chapter 3 . 2/20
The thing I appreciate the most about this, as with all your stories, is clear character growth. That they are willing to talk is monumental. This is wonderful, my friend.
JolieBlack chapter 3 . 2/20
I can’t tell you how badly I now need that story of the politician, the lighthouse and the trained cormorant. But not before I’ve congratulated you on yet another beautiful exploration of this most beautiful of friendships. I totally shared all of John’s worries, but it’s very touching how it’s Rosie‘s unshakable trust in Sherlock that keeps him afloat. That’s quite a contrast, Sherlock being flattened by a happy Rosie upon his return, rather than by an angry John, like last time.
This bit is especially precious:
“The thrill of the chase. The blood pumping through your veins. Just the three of us having cake and ice cream.“
Well done!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/19
Enjoyed this chapter immensely! Mycroft being so...Mycroftian, so determined to give nothing away, and so perfectly in character. Also liked the build in John's concern as the months pass. Just so satisfyingly written.
MHC1987 chapter 2 . 2/19
Great chapter. John has the determination, confidence and mental fortitude to endure the visits with Mycroft. Finally, he gets an answer worth waiting for. But will John continue to have the patience to wait for his ultimate goal, or will he feel the need to go to it? And will that be a good or a messy choice? Thank you, the meetings with John and Mycroft are great. John has learned how to deal with Mycroft and can hold his own with him.
scrub456 chapter 2 . 2/19
Oh my. The exchanges between John and Mycroft are excellent, my friend. I must say, I share John's frustration, but promise to wait patiently for resolution. :-)
englishtutor chapter 2 . 2/19
Oh, dear! I hope the Holmes brothers are not Aslan-like in calling ALL times soon! What a time of frustration for all those who love Sherlock so much. The texts only increase speculation and impatience to know what on earth is going on. It is kind of Sherlock, though, to remember John's words and keep in touch just enough to let his friend know he is, at least, alive.

The encounters with Mycroft are delightful. I especially loved Mycroft's reaction to nearly being introduced to John's left hook! I'm on tenterhooks, myself, to find out the solution to this mystery.
englishtutor chapter 1 . 2/19
Hooray! Another lovely story from you. I love your depictions of these beloved characters, and especially appreciate the ways in which Sherlock grows as a person through each. Picturing him playing with Rosie in the sandbox or pretending to be a figurehead on a ship is just so delightful! Your
Rosie is engaging and real, having inherited her mother's perceptiveness, her father's compassion, and brilliance and observational skills from both. Her simple faith in her "Unkle" is touching and so much like John.

I admit, though, my favourite touch in this chapter is in the first paragraph, in which John positions himself in the park so as to be able to see the entire area. This is such a military position and reminds me of my husband, who always feels uneasy unless he places himself in just such an observational position, no matter where we are.
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