Reviews for Ignoring Destiny
smallwjl chapter 45 . 8h
the parallels for Draco and Sirius are giving me life! I absolutely love this story and the direction you are taking it. looking forward to the battle between abraxas and team potter!
potter671 chapter 45 . 15h
wow ok Draco can't say I didn't see coming but still wow. ok so Ginny falling asleep on Harry was super cute. I'm excited to see what the phone call with remus was about. I like that Harry sticks up for Ginny and includes her. can't wait to see the kids reaction to Draco. oh and what Ginny makes Harry were. but Draco his storey arc is becoming one of my favorites. and I think there is only one other story were I've actually liked draco's story so that's saying something. as always can't wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work
midnitewanderer chapter 45 . 10/22
I’m so happy I didn’t read this at work when I got the notification. The sheer mental picture that I got from Draco’s “punishment” had me in tears right now. I had to put on some cheery music, which for me, right now, is HoneybeeThe Head and the Heart(great song). So many questions are relaxing through my head right now. How did Draco get away? Was it Dobby? Did Narcissa tell him to run? WHO? Probably Cissa, now that I’m starting to be able to think straight. She loves her son more the propriety of a being a good pure blood wife. And I just knew it was gonna hit Sirius like a freight train. Thankfully it was better than what he had imagined(I hope and pray). But forget all this. HOW ARE HARRY, GINNY, AND RON GONNA REACT WHEN THEY SEE DRACO THERE LATER?! They’re gonna know something’s up because they were already scared for him before they left for the holidays.

And to the little bright spot. HINNY! I swear if Harry doesn’t wise up and realize he’s in love with Ginny before the Yule Ball I might just scream. Also, Ginny is a straight up genius. I can’t wait for her to start her first year. I beg of you please don’t make it too hard on her. I’m somewhat traumatized by Once A Potter, Always A Potter by WarMonger98(good read, still in progress but damn he does Ginny wrong). Anyways... great chapter as always.
Iwik chapter 45 . 10/22
I really have trouble with the way you try to paint Lucius and Narcissa as "good" parents, yet they stand by and have him get abused by his grandfather. They're just as guilty as him, in my opinion. I do hope Draco breaks free from them.

Really liked the Christmas parts and Ginny's been included in the search! Looking forward to the rest.
Nightwing2013 chapter 44 . 10/19
Wow. That’s the kind of flirting that takes serious cajones! Hi Ginny!
Nightwing2013 chapter 39 . 10/19
I love Charlie’s name for Ginny. Rey. Like Rey Palp— oh. Right. Spoilers lol. Isn’t Ginny’s cannon name Genevra?
Nightwing2013 chapter 39 . 10/19
Beer suggestion: Legends Brewery (based in Virginia with a location in or around DC) has a nice brown ale that my dad really likes.
Nightwing2013 chapter 33 . 10/19
Ooooooh plot twist. I’ll be caught up by tomorrow, I suspect.
Nightwing2013 chapter 31 . 10/19
Wasn’t Ginny supposed to be at the quidditch World Cup, too?
Nightwing2013 chapter 25 . 10/18
Alcohol poisoning, huh? That’s some serious stuff. At 25, I think I’m off of alcohol. Depression depressants good
Nightwing2013 chapter 24 . 10/18
It’s past midnight, and I’m giggling quite often due to these pet names between Remus and Sirius. Well freaking done. Also, as a forensics major, I’d love to hear your experiences with forensic scientists in family law, if you can/have any.
Nightwing2013 chapter 23 . 10/18
I was wondering where Coco went! The poor pup seems to have been neglected by someone lol
Nightwing2013 chapter 16 . 10/18
Congratulations on your graduationnuptials, and I hope you have/had a wonderful ceremony!
Thanks for the clarification at the beginning. I was getting a little anxious for my favorite metamorphmagus!
Sirius the player (I use that term in the most derogatory way imaginable) is pretty much how most people imagine him if he hadn’t gone to Azkaban for long.
Nightwing2013 chapter 13 . 10/18
I can see the sparks already. I can’t wait to read more!
Nightwing2013 chapter 10 . 10/18
Just a quick correction, Brits say “Happy Christmas” not “Merry Christmas”
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