Reviews for Breeds Hot Blood
Lydja-chan chapter 17 . 8/28
I'm loving this! More inroads back to the cannon world. It makes so much sense too. Societies are a messy tangle the higher you get up in any kind of organization. The whole entire point of an organization - community, gang, volunteer or government, is so that the leaders can have access to other leaders. Favorite line has got to be "holy brontosaurus" for the win.
Lydja-chan chapter 16 . 8/6
I cackled out loud at "my lion cousin's baby daddy" I don't know why it didn't stick with me before, but of course the gang would have a few baby mommas around town. I like the town hall/family feel of the group. It creates a structure of support while also letting the kids feel like their circumstances are not unique, even if their lineage might be. Also love the idea that Sabine had a diverse dating history!
Lydja-chan chapter 15 . 7/29
Oh this was awesome. I have to admit my absolute favorite part of this was the junior officer putting distance between him and his boss. I laughed each time. I also found it interesting about the birth certificate legalities. Peoples thinking may shift in a society but it's not really concrete until it filters down into the daily paperwork. Great chapter!
Lydja-chan chapter 14 . 7/16
Interesting choice to tie into the ivory case, especially considering who it leads back to. No spoilers for those who haven't gotten that far but I'm winking at you. I see what you're doing. Sabine seems the equivalent of star-struck to me, but more like meeting actual Batman instead of an actor who plays him in the movies. Still love the running carrot-juice commentary. This chapter fells like the end of the establishment arc. Characters and goals are established. Looking forward to the plot-twists ahead!
Lydja-chan chapter 12 . 6/26
I absolutely love the exchange about how those in power are assumed to abuse their position over those without. It speaks to a lot of preconceived notions on both sides of that equation. And I and cracking up about the carrot juice! Well played!
Lydja-chan chapter 11 . 6/17
Wow! Such great interaction between these two! Love how Sabine can't keep her sense of justice in check even when she knows she's making more trouble for herself. It's also an interesting brand of humility to admit in the midst of all this that she doesn't know everything and some people had a higher vantage point than herself. As for the last line - talk about the perfect yank to set the story hook! I am excited!
Lydja-chan chapter 9 . 6/4
Aww. Sota sounds so adorable and sad at the same time. Showing how Sabine is embedded in the hybrid community on so many levels is really establishing her as known entity in the side of the society. I also like how you show that not all hybrid couples are excursively herbivore/carnivore. That it is a much more nuanced spectrum. Reptilian couples, equine couples, it helps build a base for a more mixed society. It seems reasonable that those who have multiple species among their grandparents might be more likely to have parents that take mixed species coupling to the next level and cross the herbivore/carnivore boundary.
Lydja-chan chapter 8 . 5/28
This chapter really gives a great a view of the family dynamics (they are never finding another home for that chick are they) and insight into Sabine's professional pursuits. I think that I'm going to like Takahiro, he seems to know how to orchestrate his, admittedly, chaotic family structure very well, hints of a strategist under that outward calm. And don't think I missed the hint of Gouhin pining! Not strong enough to really build on but a nice fan-service daydream!
Xbyt92 chapter 6 . 5/20
Is not easy to be a horse.
Lydja-chan chapter 6 . 5/19
Yafya really is full of himself and entrenched in his own world view. What you did wonderfully with this chapter was to immerse me in that view and make me sympathetic to it. Even though I was already previously inclined towards Sabine. For me it was the line "one of the most dangerous creature that walked in society, a breathing ideologue," it was an visceral hook to make me re-examine my view of Sabine. I'm still on her side, but you made me look at the society through Yafya's eyes. Like all society, it could definitely be better, but that doesn't inherently mean that there aren't parts worth preserving. As an aside - he spent way too much time watching her, can someone say crrreeeeepppeeerrrr!
Lydja-chan chapter 5 . 5/13
This was such a yummy chapter! My favorite part was the nose lick. I would have taken that as pure defiance, so I absolutely loved that you gave the explanation for the canine meaning of it. For anyone who enjoys seeing side plots fleshed out this is awesome because you see that this is a society that has LOTS of moving parts to it and just because they might not always be foremost in the cannon material doesn't mean that they aren't still in motion. Excellent chapter that is brings in Yafya perfectly!
WinterJustice chapter 4 . 5/2
I like this so far I don’t know how it’s going to connect to the story but I’m interested
Lydja-chan chapter 4 . 4/30
I think one of the things that gets overlooked sometimes in Beastars is just how POWERFULL a lot of herbivores are. I love that you emphasized this aspect of Sabine's physicality in the fight. Yes, she may have teeth, but she used them for intimidation and distraction. During the fight she relied on her antlers, legs, strength and vision, all from her herbivore side. It makes me wonder if being a hybrid makes her more confident in willingly going into a fight that other herbivores might run from. Or maybe she just has an over-developed sense of justice. Either way - I like it!
Lydja-chan chapter 3 . 3/24
Such a bitter-sweet chapter for so many of the characters. I like how you laid out her dietary preferences and how hyper aware she was of her body language in the back alley market. The story layering is excellent!
PRFH chapter 1 . 3/21
Sigue escribiendo por favor me gusta mucho tu historia
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