Reviews for Wine After Whiskey
LittleH12 chapter 30 . 7/22
Massive :-) at the last part. I loved her deadpan reply as well.
I’m glad she set the record straight with Adam and his face when Eddie turned up at the pub :-)
Lolling at Steph though - trust her to start a conversation like that.
fayeftvanity chapter 30 . 7/21
absolutely love this as per usual don't ever apologise hope you're ok
Mrs Carmichael chapter 30 . 7/21
You have no idea of the torture I’ve been through in wanting to read this but not being able to until I’d finished work. So much so, I scampered off to the loo to at least read the first scene.
Adam’s an arrogant toe-rag, did he really think Rachel would choose him or Eddie? I’m so proud of Rachel shutting him down though, I dread to think what he’ll do next.
Pahahaha! The conversation in the pub had me in stitches, especially Steph’s line to Eddie about discussing his and Rachel’s sex life! I’m glad the two of them got out when they did :D Jeez, that conversation they had outside the pub was intense, I was getting hot under the collar too.
I’m glad Rachel came clean about what happened with Adam. I love that she apologised for acting the way she did over Eddie’s reaction to it all :) I agree with Rachel, would definitely rather have Eddie than Adam as a friend.
This is awesome lovely, excited for more whenever. Keep safe x
hannah5240 chapter 30 . 7/21
You don’t need to apologise lovely - this put the biggest smile on my face to see an update in my inbox tonight :)
I did think ‘uh-oh’ when Adam made an appearance in Rachel’s office, but I am super glad she put him back in his place. Have to say I’m with Eddie and his sarcastic ‘poor bloke’ comment, but I do get what Rachel meant about having a friendship back.
The pub section and what followed on from that was glorious, I can just imagine Rachel and then Eddie squirming at the staff’s questions. Laughed so much at Ruby ‘can we please change the subject?’
I love the ending, and Eddie’s thoughts in the last line. Adore this as per usual, excited for more whenever :) x
RachelMasonFan39 chapter 30 . 7/21
I love this chapter!
I'm glad that Rachel turned Adam down!
Fantastic update!
LittleH12 chapter 29 . 7/12
Awww that was so sweet... I love that Micheal was involved! Eddie has certainly pulled it out of the bag with the flower trail. I love that she trusted Eddie to choose the ring as well... her already knowing he knows what she likes.
Kim spotting the ring and Steph being straight in there made me laugh... and Rachel dashing off without giving the details.
hannah5240 chapter 29 . 7/11
Wow. I can’t stop reading this, I love it so much. My new favourite chapter ever.
Adore the continuation on from the previous one, and how we got to see Rachel and Eddie’s thought processes play out. Couldn’t stop grinning with them both saying ‘we’re getting married’ and then Rachel asking Eddie to say ‘I’m yours and you’re mine’ again. They are adorable.
Eddie planning that whole idea with Michael was absolutely perfect. The flowers were a wonderful touch. Though, my favourite part has to be Michael saying ‘will you be my step mummy.’
Kim catching sight of the engagement ring... loved that whole part. And of course Steph had to find out all the gossip! Hmm me thinks Adam is rather jealous.
What an amazing update. Made my day. Can’t wait for more of this already, I am hooked :) x
Mrs Carmichael chapter 29 . 7/11
You actually have no idea how much I needed this today, I’ve now got the biggest, most ridiculous grin on my face and that is all down to you :D
I love the way Eddie approached his statement about wanting to marry her. I’m so glad he did do the actual ‘will you marry me?’ afterwards and of course, I’m thrilled that Rachel said yes. They’re getting married... YAYYYY! I definitely did what Eddie and Rachel did throughout this chapter in having to keep saying it to myself :D
Michael was the absolute cutest in this chapter, I love that he asked Rachel to be his step-Mummy before Eddie stepped in to propose again. Urgh, they’re so cute together, I just can’t deal with it.
The staff reaction to Rachel’s engagement was just what I’d expect, as was Rachel not drawing attention to it until she had to. Oooh, is Adam jealous by any chance?! BooHoo for him (sense the sarcasm?! ;))
Excellent chapter lovely, excited for more as always x
RachelMasonFan39 chapter 29 . 7/11
I absolutely love this!
I am so glad that Rachel said yes!
I love the part with the flowers!
What is Adam's problem?
Fantastic update!
Lynny chapter 28 . 7/10
This. Was. So sweet.
Mrs Carmichael chapter 28 . 7/4
I love that she seems to confide in Kim a lot regarding her relationship with Eddie, it’s so lovely as she’s usually portrayed as such a private woman, especially in the show.
The conversation with Melissa was unexpected, I am glad she’s started seeing a councillor, maybe she is redeemable... just.
As always, the Reddie content was glorious. Rachel being the one to stare at Eddie was a wonderful change too, as it’s usually the other way around. Her gesture regarding Adam too was amazing, I love that she’s prepared to do that in order for Eddie to feel at eases I adore that she’s said someday to the idea of having children with him, that whole conversation made my heart explode!
Another thing that made my heart explode was that ending. For some reason, it’s something I can actually see happening, I can’t wait to find out what happens next. I hope the fact that she said to Kim that “he’s it for me,” indicates which way she’ll go once Eddie hopefully explains the reasoning behind his sort-of proposal.
This is amazing lovely, keep up the amazing work and please stay safe x
fayeftvanity chapter 28 . 7/4
can't believe I didn't review this last night because I loved it . love the contrast of the humor with the conversation with Kim . the honesty between Rachel and Melissa was refreshing . the kitchen scene big fat yesss. ending it like that is such a tease as though and I love you for it s honestly should be super proud of this
LittleH12 chapter 28 . 7/4
You can’t stop there... I need more.
I love the girly chat at the start with Kim and I can just imagine Chris walking in and thinking wtf is going on.
Melissa’s phone call was a bit out of the blue, no wonder it stunded Rachel. I love how she came home and sorted the argument and telling Eddie he was her idiot and how she wouldn’t be alone with Adam for him.
hannah5240 chapter 28 . 7/3
You can’t leave it there! :) once again cannot stop smiling at this update, it was so perfect. It’s great that Rachel is continuing to confide in Kim about her worries etc... I did wonder if Adam was going to cause a few problems. Glad they haven’t been too substantial though!
I’m wondering where the conversation with Melissa is going to lead... really interested to find out. I think one of my favourite lines from this chapter is Rachel saying ‘you’re an idiot, but you’re my idiot’... thought my heart was going to explode.
Kim is so right to say that they’re more in love than any couple she’s met. They are the cutest, and I can’t wait to read the conversation which follows on from that ending. Loved this x
RachelMasonFan39 chapter 28 . 7/3
I love this chapter!
I love the fact that they were talking about having kids!
Brilliant update!
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