Reviews for Of A Dream
EscaPhan225 chapter 5 . 8/5/2006
omg! pllzz update! no they didnt fall in love yet! i wanna c up to the part where hitomi dies!
zero-serenity chapter 5 . 2/18/2006
yello, i'm back, finished reading, and i likes whats there. if you're still updating this story then please, update soon, but if not i hope you get the inspiration to continue it sometime, it's really very good lots of detail, and not confusing and distracting like some stories i've read. anywho, i liked it and hope u update... if you wanna
zero-serenity chapter 3 . 2/18/2006
i've read this far but i have to stop, i just wanna say i like it and ur an excelent writer... excellent... well byes i'll review properly after i finish reading
tigger093061 chapter 5 . 12/23/2005
O! This is a beautiful story! I wanna know what happens next! UPDATE!
DestinyForetold chapter 5 . 10/13/2005
update this one this one this one!PLEASE!1

i love the whole forgotten past thing but it is so very well horrible, rotten, somethin along those lines anyway when i cant read it to the end cuz its so good and then no more? what a cruel way to torment my delicate little mind!lol!

i think you are a perfectionist at creating tension between characters and it makes the stories that much more captivating and that again which makes you want to scream out loud when there is no more to read! but you also vary the situations in which the tension occurs so its not the same thing over and over again so ya-well done you! i also really enjoy your writing style and descriptive expressions and such, i think you write really well-hense my NEEDIN an update!*looks up with noticable longing and hope in eyes*

Cev chapter 5 . 6/20/2005
oh...I liked it very much! It seems there's a wall of action right after it: what happens now? Stories always have me caught there, like a marathon runner who hits their wall, and if they pass on from that point, still going, then they'll definitely finish the race.

Anyway, it's an interesting plot. I'm curious for more, but it seems like you don't like to be hassled at all. (grin) I know the feeling.

Well, at least continue to write _something_.
mysisterisasquijum chapter 5 . 4/24/2005

good story

please don't let that be all i want to know her reaction
dmfanel chapter 5 . 3/18/2005
Great story )
rufnkiddingme chapter 5 . 11/17/2004
pLz. uPdaTe!
Kintora chapter 5 . 9/12/2004
Well, I hope that this isn't the end... I mean, where's more of the fluff? *sigh* I c an't wait till your next update, but I heard you wanted to finish up some of your other stories, so I'll try to be patient. I wonder what happens next! Good luck and keep up the good work!
breathingblue chapter 5 . 8/31/2004
This is such a lovely fic... Please update...
Kya77 chapter 5 . 6/17/2004
Oh that's good. That's very good. This story is so awsome! Now as for wanting an update. Ingrid, write because you enjoy it. Forget about people who send you email's a reviews just to say update your story. This is not to say that I won't say things like I look forward to the next chapter or update soon please. This is for me a way to let you know that your work is great well writen and enjoyable to read and to encourage you be letting you know someone else out there is looking forward to what you enjoy doing. I hope all of that makes sense, because to be honest right now I think I'm being a little loopy. *confused look on face* Anyway just know that I like your work and I look forward to what ever you have whenever it is you do update.
CrimsonKitty88 chapter 5 . 6/2/2004
aw. Really good. you haven't updated in like forever. lol
shawni chapter 5 . 4/26/2004
omg, das a great story! Update soon!...or is it already done? ..Is dat da end?
I dunno, story anyway! I luv ur writing
Kesperlis chapter 5 . 1/15/2004
Wow great story!
Please write next chap soon!
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