Reviews for Consequences
Hemlockconium chapter 1 . 4/8
I’ve often wondered why the Malfoys didn’t have more than one kid (following the old, high-society tradition of “an heir and a spare”) this story answers that question and makes a sad amount of sense. You make the friendship between Snape and Lucius seem very real and established, and I liked the explanation for why Snape was at Malfoy Manor. What I really loved, though, was the look into how this event affected Lucius’s allegiance to the Dark Lord. It adds so many interesting details as well as a whole new level to the dynamics of that allegiance!
Rachel Song118 chapter 1 . 3/14
Waiting for more chapters!
elievs chapter 1 . 3/12
I can't even begin to explain the feels that I got from this. It was heartbreaking, sad, and yet beautiful at the same time. I usually tend to avoid reading angsty stories because most people either go too overboard or don't put in enough, but this one was masterfully executed.

I especially liked how you emphasized all the pink elements in the baby room, and putting each in separate lines just added an even more intense emotional dimension to the writing.

Blaming the stillbirth on the effects of dark magic is also an interesting concept that I've seen explored a bit, but I know I would definitely like to read more about it. The aspects of magic aren't that evident in canon (except from what each individual spell reaps), so I always love when writers delve more into the physicality of it rather than spell-creating.

All in all, you did an amazingly good job. Keep up the good work!

- Lilia
Green-Silver-Ravenclaw chapter 1 . 3/5
that was like really good
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4
The subject matter is sad.
duj chapter 1 . 3/4
A difficult subject, well-handled and true. (But one little point is niggling me. How to reconcile "Nobody knew ... pregnant" with a nursery filled to the brim with pink. How did you envision that?)