Reviews for Vampiric Familliar of Zero
navyfield90 chapter 3 . 7/4
It's been months since the last chapter.
Did the virus caught you?
Sai55 chapter 1 . 4/11
Just write in your own language, fanfiction's machine translation will be better to read.
ITalkToSky chapter 1 . 4/4
So, her mother just let her baby girl be imprisoned by her second husband? That doesn't sound like a good mother now, does it?
OechsnerC chapter 3 . 3/29
Awesome update.
OechsnerC chapter 2 . 3/13
Awesome story. Looking forward to reading more.
guest chapter 2 . 3/11
Don't listen to that flamer. He's just rude. Do what you can with this story and see where it goes. You'll figure it out along the way.
Vossoch chapter 1 . 3/6
I have no idea what the other reviewer was on about; But honestly, What the hell is this? I don't mind bad stories. What I do mind utterly terrible writing with absolutely no effort put into it, I can understand if you aren't a native english speaker or something similar. But if that's the case then bloody write in your own language! There's an entire section for that! Regardless, You clearly put absolutely no effort or time into making this and just Vomited all over the damn page. I would suggest getting either a Beta or just plain old getting better.
kept123 chapter 1 . 3/4
Thanks for the chapter