Reviews for Singularity
SnidgetHex chapter 1 . 3/15
Ooehh I like God very much! But just wondering, in my view healing would always take strength out of the person who does the healing. It is okay if you no not share this view, but if you do share it, would it not be the case in this story because God provided this power?
Smiros10 chapter 1 . 3/14
Very very very did I mention VERY BEAUTIFUL!

I was wishing this story did not end so soon. Hope there will be more like this.
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 1 . 3/14
Oh, maybe She's not so bad after all. Well, she really is, but still. What can you do.
Tessseagull chapter 1 . 3/13
I know I already commented on Tumblr but this was good enough to warrant yet another reread and re-comment (this must be my 20th time? XD) I agree with Whiskerdrops, I think this is your best GO fic yet and that's saying something because all of them have been AMAZING. Just the whole scene with Azi pleading with God for Crowley... arghghghghghghghghhgg XD Also "yes, there is most certainly a way I could make them not do that" XD XD XD
WhiskerDrops chapter 1 . 3/9
You already know my thoughts on this story, dear, but I couldn't help but leave a review. I truly do think this is your best work to date. You really capture the spirit of both the book and the TV and I love how you address a plot point that has befuddled many GO writers, including myself. And to expand it into a very touching and beautiful testament to Crowley and Aziraphale's friendship was a pleasure to read.

The scene where the other angels are tormenting Crowley was very hard to read but I'm glad you didn't shy away from it, as it makes Aziraphale's actions and the ending all the better. Aziraphale may not be the most powerful angel in Heaven, but I do think he's in some ways more wise than all of them put together, as well as the most kind (even if he is still a bit of a bastard).

I especially love how you ended it from God's POV; I don't see that a lot in GO fics and of course Gabriel and Sandalphon's punishment was epic!

Thank you for another wonderful story!
Rosencrantz95 chapter 1 . 3/7
Raphaela Crowley chapter 1 . 3/7
Awwww. I think this story turned me into a puddle of goo! It's just so cute.

It's got a really good mix of angst, drama, friendship, humour, and even a little spirituality in there.

I really loved the ending where Gabriel is shoveling horse poo (my sicko brain immediately thinks, in Warlock's voice, "You smell like poo") and God's all "I like the horseys and no I am not making them stop crapping on you, Mr. High and mighty". So great!

As you pointed out, this probably doesn't fit canonically with the show, since if this happened Aziraphale definitely would have acted differently come Armageddon, given God already implied she was kind of cool with his friendship with Crowley here, but who cares? This is too adorable irregardless.
