Reviews for Nazarick In The Real World
Guest chapter 13 . 7/23
Excelente, lo de la magia de sentimientos olvide eso, y no olvides que ainz menciono en ese volumen que se podría usar el item mundial las semillas de ydrassil para cambiar de raza, supongo que el shooting Star wishi funcionaría también al menos temporalmente
Nebukadnezar chapter 13 . 7/22
Really good chapter, you set everything up for a climax. Hachiman should soon run into Albedo's sister back at Suzuki's place. That should be rather interesting. Also the other characters are on the way of putting 2 and 2 together. Can't wait for the next chapter!
look2020 chapter 13 . 7/22
I liked the chapter.
Scarease chapter 13 . 7/21
It better then being murder by corporate thugs and corrupt government.
XXxxxadisxxxXX chapter 13 . 7/21
I gotta say out of everything, I like the stuff with Hachiman/Ulbert the most. It's been the most interesting to followed by herohero and Momonga. To be honest, I think I'd like a stand alone story with Hachiman/Ulbert as the main character at some point. It'd be really interesting.

Other than that though, I pretty much like everything. The world building with Draudillion and the other dragon lord is kinda meh to me though. I'll read it, but I don't really have a reason to care about them yet. I'm hoping you'll give some type of stake or interaction between the three I mentioned in the first paragraph to rectify this at some point.
Lucius Walker chapter 13 . 7/21
Such a unique idea, where instead of being brought to the New World, the New World was brought to them.

I couldn't help but binge read this, and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat, unsure of how chaotic things would turn out, especially for Nazarick.

I can't wait for the other "Supreme Beings" to meet their creations again. Happy Writing!
Imperial warlord chapter 13 . 7/21
Awesome chapter.
OldWorldVulture chapter 13 . 7/21
Chapter 13! Our boy Hachiman has finallly decided world conquest is the only logical conclusion XD.

Otherwise great chapter the wheels are beginning to turn more quickly!
JKingSniper chapter 13 . 7/21
Ohh nice
Hope they meet up soon
AntonBlake chapter 13 . 7/21
Nice buildup. I really want to see where you take Ulbert's quest for world domination since it has the potential to become the most entertaining part of the story. Yeah, the magic vs technology issue does require a lot of thinking but I do think you have the right idea on that.

Please give us more interactions with the Nazarick guardians and their creators. Not to be off-putting but I really don't care much about Draudillion. Demiurge on the other hand is a treat that makes all scenes he's involved interesting.
Lawrence HBain chapter 5 . 7/18
Hey is Momomga going to gain a more human like body at some point? Going with that... is there going to be romance in this?
Seni chapter 12 . 7/17
I love this! Can't wait for the next Chapter.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/6
Lee dr. Stone
OldWorldVulture chapter 12 . 7/2
Loved the President’s deception.
JKingSniper chapter 12 . 7/2
Great! Looking forward for more!
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