Reviews for Hold me Because I'm Scared (Of Falling Apart)
Terri411 chapter 18 . 7/29
Now that right there should have been a red flag for Regina, how would her mother know that Emma was back in town if Kat didn't tell her, why isn't Regina putting two and two together, Kat told her that she never liked Regina with Emma, really Regina needs to open her eyes and fast, thank you for sharing...

Sensational chapter, pleasurable writing, still so loving your wonderful fanfiction and so looking forward to your next sweet update, thank you and HAPPY WRITING! :-)))))))))))))))))))))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo..
lazytown2000 chapter 18 . 7/29
I have a feeling Kat knew. Her and Cora cooked up that together. I can't wait to see what happens next
JPphoenix chapter 18 . 7/29
Haha here comes the dramaaaa!
Horseshoefijzer chapter 18 . 7/29
Ha ha! So I was right! Lil miss kat saw them together and then told Cora! And she’s doing it again! Maybe?

Also I’m glad they talked about things and are trying to move past it. I mean, it won’t work out like that but still.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/28
Y por supuesto que fue Kat la que le dijo a Cora y Regina sigue sin hacer o decir algo al respecto!
LauratheChef chapter 18 . 7/28
I hope Regina defends Emma against Cora...will we find out who told Cora about Regina's and Emma's relationship when they were in high school?

good chapter, i am glad Regina knows why Emma left before...i wonder if regina will find out who told Cora though?
rondaday1 chapter 18 . 7/28
Excellent chapter
ANDERa chapter 18 . 7/28
Exciting chapter
Guest chapter 18 . 7/28
Oh goodness! Cora's coming to town! I knew Kat would call her eventually! Can't wait to see what happens!
Jade St. Jms chapter 18 . 7/28
Kat is sad as hell, she called Cora to fight her battle
Musix007 chapter 18 . 7/28
Loved this chapter!
fiend89 chapter 18 . 7/28
I hope Regina realizes that Kathryn is in cahoots with Cora. How else could she have learned about Emma being in town?
Sammii16 chapter 18 . 7/28
This is getting good.
Hopefully Regina and Emma has it out with Cora
Kat needs to wake up about life
Thank you
Guest chapter 18 . 7/28
Bene finalmente la verità ma ancora nn si sa come Cora abbia scoperto tutto prima e ora... Kat sembra molto ingenua e calma (visto la sua incazzatura nel passato con regina che nn la voleva) ma conoscendo la tua bravura nei personaggi sono sicura che kat riserverà delle sorprese... Certo questo bambino nato così dal nulla... Mah! Vediamo che altro ci riservi
Post13writer chapter 18 . 7/28
I think we are about to find out dear loving Kat was neck deep in Cora’s plan to run Emma out of town. How else would Cora have known then and how did she know to call at just the right moment after Kat left Regina at home. Ahh...the plot thickens! Hopefully Emma and Regina can raise this new little one together
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