Reviews for An Unpleasant Family Meal
lord Martiya chapter 1 . 3/11
How long 'till The Glass Inn closes down? Or abandoned by the smarter half of the staff (the waiters)? Or it's destroyed by a freak earthquake that doesn't damage anything else?
jimelization chapter 1 . 3/10
Haha, gotta love the Hales. Cute little piece.
That Gordon Ramsay inspiration reminds me of when he actually did something similar, ''firing" Joan Collins as a customer in his restaurant, just because she had said something negative about his food. :D
The DarkCat chapter 1 . 3/10
This is a really sweet piece, I liked the Hales' complains, they were rather humourous, with the mould or the chicken being dry as a desert. Cornelia was really sharp too. Sweet short fanfic, thank you for writing this!