Reviews for RWBY Rider Zero-One
Lord Zero Master chapter 3 . 5/12
Finally got around to reading, still a fun time so far and I am glad that it didn't take long for the rest of Team RWBY to be in on the secret. Still very much curious how future developments will play out, especially given we're well, stalled at the moment regarding the plot due to irl circumstances, but curious nonetheless.

Admittedly this is far ahead, but just a though honestly. Ignoring "Presented by ZAIA" is it weird that I can see Thouser being a good fit for Weiss if she ever got in on the Rider fun? Like the Thousand Jacker rapier styled weapon, the way it can use progrise key's for attacks, the fact that the data it takes can be used to bring out the Form Animals almost like summons of sorts. It just feels like it fits Weiss' style oddly enough.
king cool 12 chapter 3 . 4/10
i hope the zio thing will come much later being then it will be feel rush and jarring to do this early also i hope you got what you wanted being throuser is getting his karma def when he learn getting the company was pointless also him getting hes ass kick most when is due to his fuck ups like with metal hopper and rampage wolf
muk854 chapter 3 . 4/2
I like how much you make the two sisters different in terms of views for the HumaGears. While Ruby cares for them and thanks them for what she is now, Yang despises them and blames them for everything.

It's an interesting contrast between the two that I look forward to seeing how it goes Overall, a pretty great chapter
ROCuevas chapter 3 . 4/2
Really great job so far.
Dragon Bone Z chapter 1 . 3/31
Why choose Ruby?
merendinoemiliano chapter 3 . 3/30
Thouser's Actor: How much asshole you want this charachter to be?
Toei: Yes.

This was probably pretty much how the thing went, I was as well full shocked by the episode, but at least he got another good ass kicking that will probably be the beginning of karma biting his ass. Aniway, fights not as elegant as previous chapter, but still very good emphasis on charachters and dialogues. And I've to admit, lately I'm not so fond of Bumblebee, but you manage to make it pretty fresh.

Always more curious about next changes and battles, meanwhile stay safe. Still free for advices.
Lord Zero Master chapter 2 . 3/28
This was a pretty good one, I do like how Ruby does have some assistance in regards to her trying to run her company via Weiss. So she already has a leg up compared to Aruto.

Also I do enjoy how you keep dropping these background details of the current state of what's going on/what happened in this version of Remnant, it's fun to piece together what happened differently.
merendinoemiliano chapter 2 . 3/23
Very good chapter and fights, Whiterose moments were lovely. Just Hope that Zi-O Is not Jaune. Good work.
ROCuevas chapter 2 . 3/22
Quite amazing so far still.
Lord Zero Master chapter 1 . 3/21
This is a really good start, I'm digging this mix of the two universes to create a new timeline where things are familiar, but also vastly different from the main RWBY timeline thanks to the addition of Zero-One elements. I am curious to see how you'll incorporate later elements of Zero-One into the story.

If only because I'll be honest when I say the most recent arc that started after New Years has been dragging so hard. The Competition Arc is just bad, there's a few good points and standout moments but it's probably my least favorite part of the show. Which is a shame since I thought the show was picking up a nice pace during the Quarter 1.
ROCuevas chapter 1 . 3/15
Quite a good start so far.
muk854 chapter 1 . 3/15
Already liking this story. It'll be interesting to see RWBY and Kamen Rider together. So far you guys have started off well and I cannot wait for the next one.
Chaos Sonic 6 9 chapter 1 . 3/15
Oh boy.

Time for Psyga315 to trash talk (or at least look down on) this story in SpaceBattles due to it having unneeded Japanese words said by the characters, flashy finisher text, and an uninteresting story since it's a Kamen Rider series crossed over with RWBY (which he really hates and shows on the RWBY subreddit).

Also, yeah. He or Ohma Revive are the ones doing the 'Justice Reviews' now since the original person doing it stopped. This means there are two idiots that take pleasure in trash talking Kamen Rider stories now on SpaceBattles.

Thought you should know about that.
Accel555 chapter 1 . 3/15
Good story
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 3/15
I start saying It was a very good idea to don't put the story in Canon, but more of a what if where the villains still didn't strike, with RWBY as professionals It should be easier follow their adventures, I'm quite curious to see how Weiss Will help against Zaea and what Salem has in plan. The fight was as well Pretty good, I only advice to put more details about how Aura and Dust work there, at least some Huntsmen should be able to deal with Humangear, trough they could have Aura like Penny. Curious to see also what you will do about the Grimm and Qrow. I personally prefer him as Ruby's father, but let's see. Good work.
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