Reviews for Louds vs the Forces of Evil
Guest chapter 18 . 7/23
I think there is a blood relationship between Lincoln and Star but this is more related to Celene and this has to do with a journey through time, surely a smooth experience and for some reason Lincoln does not remember seeing the other queens like Solaria, Celene, Estella, commit and perhaps also Moon as a young man
Guest chapter 19 . 7/16
Can lisa do a DNA test to see Lincoln and star are siblings because of the way that moon was fimalier with him and that would be a game changer if star and Lincoln are siblings blodd realated.
djinn chapter 19 . 7/7
Interesting fanfiction I look forward to future updates.
Supermariosunshinr chapter 19 . 7/2
Can't wait for season two to come out
CrimsonSylvan chapter 19 . 6/2
Started reading this yesterday(It's now after midnight for me and I started a while ago) and I have to say it's a great story. I love how you've worked the two shows together and how you've had certain events change due to the different environment and characters involved such as rather than getting a monster arm Lincoln basically becomes Shoto and because Lincoln didn't abuse the scissors enough Hekapoo had to come to him rather than pull him into her world. I also like how you've shipped the characters in a way that works. The subtle reveal of Star not being fully into guys with her taking Jackie and how through spending time with each other you've made a ship between Hekapoo and Lincoln adorable to read. Honestly can't wait to see how you do the rest of the series. I'm sure it'll be great and I can't wait for the ship you made for Lincoln and Hekapoo to sail. Cause seriously you made them cute together in this.
kvart284 chapter 19 . 5/23
Hello, Bryce, is it? My review is not so much about this chapter, but I still should write about it. I rellay enjoy this Linkapoo shipping. She is hanging out with him more than with the rest of the Commission. And now when she knows about Hitler, she could consider error of this rasism. But about rest of the Commission - at least Omnitraxus deserved more than just to be an asshole victim. I mean, he actually had guilt about all of this racism to monsters. He tried to raise Festivia to be kinder to them, while Hekapoo actually did not. I actually had pain that series finale ruined him so much.
jedi master 2001 chapter 1 . 5/21
when is season 2 coming out
jedi master 2001 chapter 19 . 5/12
What about some minor characters from star vs the forces of evil like Blake, Chantal and Justin Armberg. I am sure you can fit them in and have an ensemble cast like Avenger s infinity war, Avenger s endgame, and Spider man into the spider verse.
eecobeo chapter 19 . 5/4
It's too bad you don't like Marco I really like him a lot he definitely improved over season 2 even got to match star in a fight
Yellowpikmin88 chapter 19 . 5/3
That, was, incredible. The chess game between Lincoln and Toffee was definitely the best scene. The two do have common ground in both being strategists and Toffee's attempts to get to Lincoln by bringing up his sisters' past mistreatments to him was so in character for him, though having Linc win the game was a perfect final note. I wonder how Toffee's words will effect Lincoln in later chapters?

Hekapoo's little reference to Marco's confession was adorable. And once again, the mystery of Lincoln's supposed time travel is brought up by Moon this time. I'm excited to see how it comes into play.

Overall, great first season and I can't wait for what you've got planned for season 2.
Wolvenstrom chapter 19 . 5/3
Ohhhh mystery.

Did Moon meet a time displaced Lincoln?

Or did she met Albert?

I liked the interaction between Lincoln and Toffee. I really enjoy all the little differences your making rather than just rehashing the same story with different characters.
EliteSlayer103 chapter 19 . 5/3
Wow that sounds like an blatant attempt to gaslight Lincoln, Toffee with his "The Smart People's burden" but that's more just trying to get under his skin, and also attacking his perspective from that of a cynic psycho-analyzing a loving family in spite of these negative moments that they got each other's back, can't wait for when Lincoln spits in his eye metaphorically speaking. XD
C Money chapter 19 . 5/3
What A Rap Up For Season 1 Can’t Wait For Season 2

But One Thing

Star Glows Purple When She’ Angry

Will Lincoln Glow Orange When Reminded Of Bad Memories And When He Gets Mad

Also If Star’s Mother Thinks Lincoln Looks Like Someone Familiar

Does That Mean Lincoln’s Heritage Could Be Connected With Star’s World...Could Star And Lincoln Possibly Be Related
DragonEmperor999 chapter 19 . 5/3
That was epic

I’m now very curious about what Moon means when she saw Lincopn being familiar to her.

My favorite chapter so far was when Lincoln showed Heckaboo a good time on Earth.

Plus if you can can ya do a dog show one where Lilly enters her Laser Puppies into the show?
Guest chapter 19 . 5/3
You’re doing amazing
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