Reviews for You Can Imagine The Christmas Dinners
Bpeake54 chapter 2 . 5/9
Still loving it and laughing like crazy. I think Sherlock is subconsciously planning a ram wedding!
Bpeake54 chapter 1 . 5/9
I absolutely love this! I desperately needed a laugh this morning and this was perfect. Poor Sherlock! The kiss making him feel funny. These two together are just too precious.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/9
Haha, here we go! Getting everyone in the same room is going to be woooonderful *manic grin*
Analena chapter 3 . 5/9
Fun to see that Molly intends to enjoy herself playing "Sherl"'s adoring spouse. ;) Looking forward to her first encounter with "Mykie" and "Euri". Ugh, only a mother could really get away with shortening their names like that! Please update soon and stay safe. :)
Sahren Athykyna chapter 1 . 5/9
It got better!
SammyKatz chapter 3 . 5/9
Why do I hear an echo from my childhood - find the answers next time. Same bat channel, same bat time. Sigh. Lovely this is.
ijnfleetadmiral chapter 3 . 5/8
Ohh, sounds like Eurie has a few skeletons in her own closet? Be interesting to see if 'Jimmy' shows up for Christmas. I can see him being the type that likes to wind her up and watch her explode. Not maliciously, but merely because he thinks she's like an angry kitten that he finds absolutely adorable. I can see Anthea being the only sane one out of the six of them. XDDD
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 3 . 5/8
Can't wait to hear what comes next!
Ohgodbenny chapter 3 . 5/8
Oohhhhh this is really fun to read. Time for Molly to meet to Holmes siblings. I hope they love Molly and see right through sherlock's feelings for her haha
Sci-fi Christian chapter 2 . 4/8
A fun story! Looking forward to more chapters when you get a chance! Wonderful job! :)
Sahren Athykyna chapter 2 . 4/2
This is so good! Please please write more!
ScienceMama chapter 1 . 3/25
Well, I love this so far!
cklovewinter chapter 2 . 3/24
This story is so fun, I love it so far!
Calabassa chapter 2 . 3/23
Great story ! I love the Sherlolly of course !
Guest chapter 2 . 3/23
Love lovelove this, can't wait to read more!
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