Reviews for Chaos is the Prize
Quickened chapter 16 . 5/15
Did Uncle Qrow manage to find Ruby it did Oscar come to save his boo.
Random65 chapter 16 . 4/30
NO! NOT RUBY! She's too precious! SHE MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS! Good job I love this story!.
Cun chapter 16 . 4/24
Oh God please dont tell me thats the last chapter. I couldn't stop reading this and its 2 am now for gods sake, your writing just sucked me in. Ruby deserves a happy ending! Gaaaaaah also you write Oscar in such a wonderful way!
Kilimanjalvaro chapter 16 . 4/15
Please tell me you’re still continuing with this
LittlePhee chapter 15 . 4/15
Omg this chapter broke me
Aidis chapter 16 . 4/13
This is the most interesting RWBY fic I’ve read in a long while. Thanks for writing!
name the missing chapter 16 . 4/12
Thx for the story I've really enjoyed it so far
Busted Strawberry chapter 15 . 4/11
Oh man, what a cliff hanger I am on the edge of my seat.

Good chapter I cannot wait to see the next one!
Kilimanjalvaro chapter 15 . 4/10
Loved this chapter, probably my favorite one so far. I wonder how Oscar is gunna take this, I also wonder how team WBY and JNR are going to react, I hope for a dramatic confrontation between the teams and Ruby
Busted Strawberry chapter 13 . 4/7
Really enjoying the story so far great characterization of Ruby, Oscar, and Raven, but Ruby most of all. This is the first fanfic that I ever read that takes such a different path for Ruby. She still has her personality after training for so long, but carries her self a lot more closed off witch makes sense for the story. She slowly opens up to Oscar and realistically keeps questioning what she is feeling. I love what you are doing with this story so keep it up!
Kilimanjalvaro chapter 9 . 4/2
Still enjoying the hell out of this story, gotta day its extremely entertaining. A little less action that I personally would have wanted but your storytelling skills are making me want to read more. Great job and keep the chapters coming!
snoopykid chapter 8 . 4/1
Nicely done. Are you going to have him report to the others ruby is alive?
Kilimanjalvaro chapter 1 . 3/31
This is going so well, so grateful I started reading this story while you’re still writing it
Videocrazy chapter 6 . 3/30
Ooof, didn't expect this chapter to be so heavy. Might want to consider putting an author's note at the top of this. That said, it's certainly effective. The pacing feels on-point for the story; what's said is what needs to be said. The bare essentials to make it work, and it works for this story. A parallel, intentional or not, to Ruby's own journey.
Haxorus knight chapter 4 . 3/29
So when Ruby going to see Oscar again?