Reviews for Louise Summons the Last Airbender
Guest chapter 5 . 7/26
Master Roshi (Dragon Ball)
Byakuran (Hitman Reborn!)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Micheal J Caboose (Red Vs Blue)
Shovel Knight
JohnWaxman chapter 4 . 7/26
Short but really good fight. It's nice that Guiche seems to realize that honor is more than a word, just hoping it doesn't goes too far, we don't need another Zuko.
JohnWaxman chapter 2 . 7/26
Oh te best kind of twist, when two characters think they understand each other but nope.
I can't wait for more people to come to even more false conclusions.
kukuhimanpr chapter 5 . 7/22
author, are you okay juggling several stories at once while asking polls for new stories? its true that sometimes writing different stories at once can keep inspiration fresh, but i hope you won't be overwhelmed with it, and not being too hard on yourself. but ultimately, its your call.

i'm curious how aang is going to deal with gunpowder rifles and cannons in the future. kinda like how aang and the comedy of errors influence the chars. and aang's philosophy toward the preservation of life is going to seriously put louise in for a big guilt trip due to her destructive void powers.
Halo chapter 5 . 7/20
I wonder if Aang will attempt to take away count mott’s magic ability.
Lifelessman chapter 5 . 7/20
Good Work...! 5
itjustfax chapter 4 . 7/20
nice chapter dude
Emrys Akayuki chapter 5 . 7/20
Wonder if chi and magic interact differently with things? And since their magic system doesn't have non elemental magic even for the simplest or more esoteric spells, could Aang figures out how to mimic their weirder spells with his bending? (Although the only one I can think of is the rope untying one) and I wonder what chi-bending would do to a mage...

Great chapter, looking forwards to the next one!
Marshall Cross Marian chapter 4 . 7/19
Update please. I love the story and laughs the story produce.
Gadget boy chapter 5 . 7/19
Really nice way to implement Aang to the rest of the student body. Love how Aang and Tabitha already made a silent bond of friendship with each other. Looking forward to seeing the Princess at the next chapter.
proyectdaro chapter 5 . 7/19
I love fic :3
Lilcrafter chapter 5 . 7/19
Keep it up broskue!
Juxshoa chapter 5 . 7/19
Good to see another chapter! I wonder what happens if Aang goes full Avatar State?
NyaNyaKittyFace chapter 4 . 7/12
The story is a bit slow, but it’s good. You do a great job keeping Aang, as well as everyone else, in character. I do wish you’d have used his war outfit instead of his original one though. I’m also curious as to how thing will play out now. I’m excited to see how Louise will react when she finds out about the other things Aang can do like seismic sense and Energy bending. I wonder if Aang will mistake Louise explosions as Combustion Bending?
thetyrant67 chapter 1 . 7/8
Out of all your xovers, I think this has the most potential as the relationship between Louise and Aang would result in character development that can benefit the two.

Also, a quick note: The familiar exhibition only happens in the anime if I recall correctly. In the light novel, Fouquet appeared while Kirche and Louise were having a contest over Saito. This happened in the dead of night.

Honestly, I'm not really a fan of the familiar exhibition being used at all. Maybe you can create something a little divergent?
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