Reviews for You're Not Allowed to Leave
SeddieShipper333 chapter 1 . 3/29
This is great! I loved Jasper's interruption with the camera, classic Jasper. And the characters are very in-character I could totally picture Charlotte getting mad at Henry for being reckless after discovering he was in fact still alive and I could totally picture Henry just planting one on her instead of talking to her lol.
A few minor things, I felt like Henry showed up in Junk & Stuff unnaturally quickly after the crash and when Charlotte slaps or punches Henry I was kind of confused and had to read it over a couple of times since there wasn't a lot of indication that that was what was going on. Just some small details though, overall your writing is awesome nice work.
Sweetbaby162016 chapter 1 . 3/29
Love it. Wish there was more. Like between the time Henry's directing the bling to Kid Danger's funeral. And of course their time in Dystopia, where Charlotte somehow has super abilities if not seems more robotic with her arm. I mean I'm trying to write like what I'm saying. But it's a slow working pace. But still love the story you did. Chenry FOREVER.
naleybrucasjeytonforever chapter 1 . 3/28
love it, the one thing is if I was Charlotte I would've asked him how he survived the blimp crash