Reviews for The Red Ribbon Rebellion
RKF22 chapter 15 . 7/18
Excellent work can't wait for more
Fugshipyae chapter 1 . 7/16
A bit rough round the edges, the large text chunks needs to be spread out, as it is a bit hard to follow along. Some odd placement of these things “”, but it is a very interesting idea overall
iikd chapter 14 . 7/16
Your writing style is kind of unique, haven't seen it before on this platform. It's how you mainly focus on describing events happening with the main characters and because of that there is less dialogue. I kinda like it. Anyway, great story concept, I really like the way it's going and I would love to see more. Although you talked about some future villains and all that, I'm curious on how long are you planning this story to be, mainly because the progression is slow (im not complaining at all) and 14 chapters have passed with no timeskips. I actually enjoy stories that take it slow with all of that plot progression, but I'm worried that you will be burned out of writing long before you reach the Cell saga and everything else you have in store. Whatever it may be, your work is amazing and I can't wait for more.
Vukk chapter 14 . 7/15
You have me wondering. How powerful will Gohan be when compared to canon when Vegeta and Nappa arrive. He appears to be similar in power to when they arrive, and they have about 6 months to go. Strong enough to beat Nappa? Give Vegeta a run for his money? Even stronger? Transformed Vegeta sounds way too powerful for Gohan, but forcing Vageta to go all out doesnt.
777torn777 chapter 14 . 7/14
Queue the work out montage music
IanAlphaAxel chapter 14 . 7/14
Love your story!
RKF22 chapter 14 . 7/14
IanAlphaAxel chapter 13 . 7/13
Great chapter!
xxxbluewolf chapter 13 . 7/12
Not bad, just a couple of grammatical errors and weird sentence structures but interesting so far. Keep up the good work.
RKF22 chapter 13 . 7/12
ARega1s chapter 12 . 7/8
Heh Rocky reference. Good work so far. Can't wait to see how the fight goes when Napa and Vegeta arrive
blood enraged chapter 7 . 7/8
so far i love the fic, but i feel you spend too much time on explaining events and not enough on dialog
777torn777 chapter 12 . 7/6
The growth they have once they all get going will be amazing. I can’t wait for the next chapter.
RKF22 chapter 12 . 7/6
IanAlphaAxel chapter 12 . 7/6
Great chapter! Can't wait to read more
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