Reviews for A Rose Blooms Anew
SpeeeedwaGONnnn chapter 6 . 6/11
It's not that Ruby's former allies now fear her, it's the fact her allies fear the monster they created.
GrimGrave chapter 6 . 5/4
Who would've thought that Neo would be the voice of reason here?
And what almost happened to Weiss is... wow. Ruby is going all out on her former team.

I chuckled at the part where Velvet tried to convince Coco to sleep with Ruby right in front of her. Who knew Velvet liked to watch?
LogBook27062000 chapter 6 . 5/3
Interesting story, I was wondering if Salem and Adam were going to make appearances down the line. Especially since Tyrian and Hazel have made appearances. Also looking forward to the confrontation between Ruby and Tai, if you were planning on doing that.
PangoroGrunt chapter 6 . 5/3
Why did you say the words? Everyone knows that if you say the words, something always goes wrong. By the way, good job as always
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 6 . 5/2
Whoo go Neo, Neo for the save.
fireuser3 chapter 6 . 5/2
Okay something needs to happen to slap some sense into Ruby before something bad happens.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 6 . 5/2
You know the weird part, Neo is sadistic, so it really is odd that she is the voice of reason.
BlackDragonDevilGod chapter 6 . 5/2
Okay, as much as i think Weiss did deserve to be punished, what Ruby almost did was going WAY too far. Thank god Neo was there to help keep Ruby's head on straight. Still something needs to be soon before the darkness consuming Ruby gets her completely
Guest chapter 5 . 4/30
Great story so far man keep it up
GrimGrave chapter 5 . 4/17
I love the fact that Coco had to let it be known Ruby was hot.
The truth is slowly coming together. Interesting to see Qrow so chill about the situation. You'd think he would be worried to death about Ruby, but perhaps he's just too aware of what his niece can do. Good thing he destroyed her drugs though, but I dare say she can easily get more. Loved the titbit about Summer.
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 5 . 4/16
That was a neat song. That rap was good as well.

Woo Qrow. Good to see he destroyed her drugs though.

Good chapter.
TheBoxGhost117 chapter 5 . 4/16
This is an interesting take on the "Ruby gets kicked out of Beacon" angle, and i can't wait to see more of her backstory and plans but the song lyrics are kind of out of place with how long they are.
cylus chapter 4 . 4/13
Awesome story so far!
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 4 . 4/8
Was good to see Tyrian and Hazel though.

I wonder who Adrian's father is. Is there any of Ruby in Adrian? Was not expecting Ruby to be Adrian's mother here though.

Damn I feel bad for Neo.

Good chapter.
snoopykid chapter 4 . 4/7
Ok feeling so bad for neo. Please make them happy soon.
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