Reviews for Re-Forged
Dante 101 chapter 15 . 9/4
I gotta say that with this whole thing about 'forgiveness' is pretty much the theme of the story. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Mahatma Gandhi.

Forgiving someone, especially after they do such horrible things to you, is a very difficult thing to do. Even if you forgave someone, it's not like things will ever be the same again. What happens afterwards is something that only you can decide, no one else can tell you otherwise. If you don't want to forgive someone for the things they did to you, then don't. Forgive them for yourself. Don't let grudges and amononsity rule you & just move on.

I do have a question, even if you forgave someone, do you forget the things they did to you? Forgiveness someone for the things they did to you is one thing, forgetting them is a whole different thing.
T6a5n6k8 chapter 5 . 9/4
is this a fucking naruto reference
Winter-Buzz chapter 15 . 8/30
This story of yours, I don't hate it but it also rankles something deep in my chest, so I can't really enjoy it. You're having them actually mature, to confront their mistakes and issues, and I like that. However, the nature of RWBY doesn't exactly fit with the theme you have going - at least, in my opinion. Its a little difficult to explain, but I'll try my best. After all, I can't say something like that without any explanation. I read this awhile ago, so my memories a bit fuzzy and I don't have the time to re-read it now, so please excuse any discrepancies.

Jaune was definitely in the wrong. That's not in question, it was never in question even in canon. Yet the circumstances of Jaune and Blake aren't necessarily dissimilar, which is where the point of my argument comes from. Jaune forged his transcripts, that is true, but academic fraud cannot be considered as on the same level as terrorism. If they accept Blake despite her crimes but refute Jaune, then it implies the wrong sort of message: that strength is all that matters. This is also not considering the relationship prior to the reveal; for example, Blake and Weiss were friends but Weiss only considered Jaune a waste of space. There are other things to consider, of course: they may think that Jaune is a criminal while Blake is trying to redeem herself, but its ultimately irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Remnant is not Earth, so we can't impose all of our standards onto the story world. For example, it may be normal and legal to openly carry weapons in Vale. The purpose of the academy's using transcripts is also different due to the nature of the Huntsman Academies; keeping the untrained masses from doing what Jaune did and getting themselves or others hurt, but people could very well treat it like a badge of honor or symbol of their superiority. Elitism, gate-keeping; it all comes down to power hierarchies and where people stand.

I kind of rambled on there, but I hope you can understand what I was getting at.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/8
So when will Pyrrha and Jaune finally have a real conversation and chance to make up? Also I'm not to fond of her new partner trying to keep that from happening. I just dont have a good feeling about him. And please, do not tell me him and Pyrrha end up together. I just do not like oc's being paired with characters. Its so cringy.
TheSlySage chapter 15 . 7/3
hey just leaving a comment to check on ya.

love the story and the verses at the end. hope you are doing well and at least okay!
LE DRM chapter 15 . 7/3
ho and by the way is the father of the oc merlo i don t have seen it ask but that may be because i m stupide i actualy like that the oc prove that even if jaune is beeing salti beacose of beeing cast aside he did it as well to an other person maybe not for the same reason but still not cared mutch about what he would feel about it and run away from him but it still may be becose i m stupide and don t see other part of the story and the oc is 100% baddie anyway good luck with the story
LE DRM chapter 1 . 7/3
keep going buddy you got that , can t wait for the next , hope you still enjoy doing this story
Guest chapter 9 . 6/24
beautiful really nice work plz continue
Mugetsu Ichigo323 chapter 15 . 6/26
Apologies if this comes off as rude, but this is the easiest way to explain the concept.

“Like this.”
“Like this,”
“Like this!”
“Like this?”
NEVER “Like this.”,
NEVER “Like this,”,
NEVER “Like this!”,
NEVER “Like this,”.

Never put a comma or any other form of punctuation after the end of a quotation mark when it comes to dialogue.
j-j-j man chapter 15 . 6/23
this whole fic is great so great I cried a little when master jade dies but the best part for me was how good you wrote about the characters. Whit this kind of fic you usually end up hating some characters but the way you wrote if with such great characters development slowly I begin to understand why they act as they act and it comes as naturally doesn't even feel force. Lot of love for ur works. Here hoping to see much more till the end of the story.
0 Realities chapter 5 . 6/17
This scene is similar to the one in Naruto Shippuden. I like it
Onyx Gabriel chapter 15 . 6/15
Can’t wait for Jaune’s ex-friends to get what’s coming for them
Lighthopperhoop chapter 15 . 6/12
Thanks, man for the story, it's a good way to do Jaune and it's helping me come to terms about my self and my own view on the world, people, god, and everything.
Guest chapter 15 . 6/10
The reason almost everyone is hating. Is how improbable the situation is. Especially with how he is picking and choosing what proverbs to use from the Bible when many others have shown many of the Bible verses that show not to be arrogant or hypocrites and he just makes that everyone would forgive. It leaves a very bad taste on ppl mouth especially those that have live through similar situations and seems that he is downplaying their struggle
Guest chapter 13 . 6/9
We're told that Jaune holds some bitterness towards the people who hurt him, but we never actually see it. He never really lashes out or truly defends himself (saying "Well I'm not giving up" isn't much of a defense) against any of the people who talk him down or question him. It's kind of disheartening.
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