Reviews for Rising of the Chocobo
Guest chapter 14 . 8/9
Good chapter. I just thought of something are you going to put in summons in the future chapters cause I think it should help cloud out with “him”. That and I wanna see filo reaction to Leviathan or Bahamut.
zanzara chapter 1 . 8/8
I agreed with the point of Great Celestial Dragon, because to considers how much hatred got Cloud after the events of Cal mira, it is necessary some other great battle to this stupid people can see that Cloud isn't some Sword demon, and would be cool that as poethic way to retrieves his reputation, that Cloud has to fights against Sephiroth, and when some fools thinks that Sephiroth is some kind of Chosen one that was sent to defeats the Sword demon, the SOLDIER merciless slayes this stupid people and would depends of Cloud to battles Sephiroth to saves the survivors and once that Sephiroth leaves the scene, the survivors now see that Cloud isn't some Sword demon, as he fighted to protects them, because if he was a demon, Cloud simply would leaves them for dead and to the mercy of Sephiroth.

I just want to says that i hope that Cloud would repair his reputation soon, because it is bothersome see some idiots still antagonizing Cloud for the events of Cal mira, and even treating him like an outcast, even denying any fair treatment. Well, what we can waits from people of the Medieval times, they are too stupid sometimes, and for that, i am happy to lives in the modern times than in this dark ages, where even you could be executed as result of some beggar accused you from witchcraft, even without any evidence.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/7
Great chapter, so finally started the events of the Spirit Turtle arc. Well, looks like finally Motoyasu and Itsuki commited their final mess that would causes their downfall and leaves them like outcasts to the eyes not only of Melromarc, but also to international level.

Well, while it is sad see how Cloud is scorned and hated by the people for be the Sword demon, i guess that by his contribution with Naofumi and the coalition against the Spirit Turtle, this would makes that Cloud finally can get rids the Demon title from him, because with his actions to helps everybody to deals with this monster, the people would see Cloud like a hero again, than a demon. Would be cool see the same people that was loathing Cloud, would praises him and treating him with notable respect after the events of the Spirit turtle, like the villagers of this village and Kiel, whom could even thanks Cloud for helps Naofumi to saves his life, and even apologizes him for treated him cruelly.

But in turn, Motoyasu and Itsuki would gets the Demon title for their contribution and foolishness to awaked the Spirit Turtle, to could defeats this behemoth to shows off their so called powers, only to ends spoiling everything and unleashed a dangerous monster that could destroys the world, making that after the events of the Spirit turtle arc, Motoyasu and Itsuki would be whom gets the hatred and loaths from the people than Cloud or Naofumi.

And as other detail, was cute see how Cloud trusted in Rishia so much that he revealed more of his past to her, like the incident of Nibelheim, in that Tifa ended badly injured for an accident and as Cloud was with her, he was blamed from this and scorned for this. And even talked her about Sephiroth, though that i hope that Sephiroth wouldn't kills Rishia, like he did it with Aerith.

And to finishes, was surprising see that sudden change of opinion of Filo toward Cloud, as in earlies chapters, they have a very hostile relationship, and suddenly Filo get along with Cloud, even to the point that they were talking like friends and with notable trust. I guess that Filo finally could see that Cloud, despite to their first hostile meeting and the personality of Cloud, he is a good guy and a good friend, making that Filo buried any ill feeling toward Cloud and finally they could have a fresh start and be in good terms finally.

Keep the good job, i cannot waits that Cloud and Naofumi defeats the Spirit turtle and they would be considered like the only true heroes to international level.
Kensei-1085 chapter 14 . 8/8
I really hate the whole "Cloud is a demon thing", it's fucking annoying to see. I really hope someone punches someone else in the face for saying stupid crap. I feel like Eclair should do it.
Something I like to see if sephiroth made another appearance, some idiot would think he’s a heavenly saint with the single wing to smite the ‘sword demon’... right before being sliced in half by his incredibly long sword.
KONO GIORNO DA chapter 14 . 8/7
I have to say nice Easter Egg to the Remake.
Roy4 chapter 14 . 8/7
I really liked how Cloud and Rishia's relationship has evolved, where I feel how they both care for each other without feeling like a wedding couple. But as good friends who understand each other, and the same can be said about how Cloud interacts with Naofumi. Although they do not get along quite well, there is a certain respect and camaraderie.

You're doing great.
Jebest4781 chapter 14 . 8/7
Pretty good chapter here and wonder if you’ll adapt the light novel very well
D3lph0xL0v3r chapter 14 . 8/7
keep up the amazing work!


Apparently. . . Filo DOESN'T Hate Cloud. . .

I Thought She Hated him because He Keeps referring to her as a "Fat Chocobo"

Seriously; I STILL Wonder why she hasn't even tried ONCE to kick him in the balls due to him Calling her Fat; You'd think she'd have at least TRIED to do so; even if it WAS Futile. . .
keybladelight chapter 14 . 8/7
You know whe the villagers saw cloud its like the life of naofumi and cloud has been reverse i hope to see the turtle appear but i you could make sephiroth appear like in ff7 remake game when cloud, tifa, aerith, barret and red XIII saw sephiroth he was like a god as appear in front of mortal and that could make the bow and spear heroes to have PTSD when sephiroth attack please make these two heroes have PTSD of only sephiroth and when they hear sephiroth name that will make them also paranoia.
MysticSpider chapter 13 . 7/26
Cloud sure does love his benches.
Nam Thng chapter 13 . 7/24
Just write this fic the way you like it,don’t let the critic gets to you
Masterx01 chapter 9 . 7/22
When i saw the premise for this fic, i thought it sounded interesting.

Sadly, when i begun to read it i found that the writing wasnt up to par.

To begin with, i would like to say something regarding to some of your AN commenting about re-watching some of the anime episodes as reference. For writing propuses its way, way better if you use the original source of any work unless the thing you wish to get a reference are fighting escenes to get a feel about how make the fighting escenes for your story, but when youre planing how the plot is going to go, the direction the story is going to take and the character development and relationships? The original source is a better opition because it contains way more details about the worldbuilding, characters and all those little details that makes the world look alive and interesting that an adaption cannot have due to the limitations of the medium. Specially for Novel to Animation, lots of things are lost in the transition.

Now after having said that, i will continue with my critic.

There are several things i do not like about this fic, chief among them is the absolute lack of details or whatsoever and what you did with the RPG elements that are part of the daily life of everyone in that world.

There is literaly next to nothing about the worldbuilding of the world Cloud has found himself in, and its like Cloud himself has no interest or whatsoever in learning more about the world and its problems, like the demi humans discrimination and outright slavery and all those things. Beside that, every time there is an event that has even a bit semblance of looking like a a canon event you simply skip it.

At this point the story look pretty bland and empty because all the details that could have given a bit of color has been skipped to purely show Cloud doing X or Y and cant even say that those things has been good either.

When i compare Cloud's adventure here vs Naofumi's own, even if only in the amount of events they has been involved with, i find Cloud's adveture very very lacking. Naofumi got himself involved into a lot of shit and you could even say that the other two also got involved in several things because the novel says about it even if it doesnt show it because the PoV is always on Naofumi, due the knowledge they have of the world. Cloud? Not so much. He goes from some one village to another do something there, behave in a very rude way with the locals and then he go to gring in some place in the middle of nowhere for days, then he comes out again does something and when you see him again with the rest of the cast is to get involved in the middle of something happening to Naofumi or something. One or other even with people like Melty and lots and lots of time skips.

So to resume, youre writing this story absolutely dependent to the canon as by itself the fic is barely coherent string of events and it shows how that affected the quality of the story and Cloud's own adventure feels lacking in meaningful events even if only to get him more familiar with the world and its people, who in this fic might as well do not exist due how they are threated.

The other thing i didnt like very much was about what you did with the RPG elements of the world or the absolute lack of it. Til this point all that has been relegated to like one or two mentions regarding how the system work for Cloud and then shoved into a dark and dusty corner in someones else atic to be forgotten. Grinding is nonexisted and you pretty much modified the whole system the Legendary weapon had so you do not had to bother with it with a lazy system that let Cloud become overpowered despite not doing anything like the other three had to do to power their own weapons to the point i pretty much agree with the cheating accusation Itsuki and Motoyasu threw to him. As was showed in canon, lvl alone has little to do with power, its the way how you power your stats what matter and the techniques.

It would have been far more interesting to have him playing with the same rules and make him expend time and efford powering his weapon, unlocking new forms and learning new techniques and spells from the diferent swords the monster part unlocked for him like the system FFIX had(I have not played the remake so i dont know how things were there) instead of just saying 'He went to the nameless cave #012575AFFZ killed monsters for a week and came LVL 40 for it or something. But no, Cloud just has to lvl up and he comes up better that the other three without having to bother like them.

It would also have been more interesting to show that idea of his fabricated personality limiting him under that system and actually having him struggle instead of steamrolling all oposition by his lonesome.

Beside that, appart from Cloud's own system all other mentions of RPG elements has been suppresed. I have yet to see someone using magic like Drifa 'Insert Spell' or even the mention of potions and all that.

Barebones its what i would call this story.

And there is also other things like the motorbike with infinte fuel and infinite durability as apparently the diferent parts of the bike doesnt suffer wear despite Cloud having it for months and riding everywhere in a place where nice paved roads arent commom place.

There is also thing with Sephiroth. Im not particulary fond of fics were both the hero and the villain got Isekai-ed together. The idea of them going there and then continue their quarrel and the baggage of proplems that comes with it has never been a appealing premise to me.
Slade01 chapter 13 . 7/19
I think Cloud needs to put Nofumi in his place again because he's acting a little too smug for a guy that got his ass handed to him along with the rest of us party by Cloud also nobody insults Zack's Buster Sword and gets away with it.

Eagerly anticipating your next update.

Sincerely Slade01
Guest chapter 13 . 7/18
Also, talking about the fact of that each legendary hero has their turn to carries the title of Demon and be hated by the people for some bad reputation, as Trivia, i could notes that the general reason to each legendary hero ends carrying the title of Demon, was because of the actions of some people that the heroes used to see like their allies, only to this people played with them, and makes them falled in a trap, that caused their downfall and lost of respect from the people of the kingdoms of this world, and even caused that the legendaries heroes unlocked their cursed series.

1. The Shield hero. In the case of Naofuni, he became the Shield demon because the actions of Bitch, a wicked princess that don't has qualms in destroys anyone in her way, and as the elimination of the Shield hero was part of the deal with the Church of the three heroes to ascends in the throne, she befriended Naofumi to apparents that she was her friend and ally, only to framed him as a rapist that attacked her without mercy, leaving Naofumi in a very dire situation, especially as Melromarc is a matriarchal kingdom, causes any harm in the women are crimes punishable easily with death, making that Naofumi ended like an outcast in Melromarc, hated and scorned for everyone, especially for the fanatics of the Church. And he unlocked the Wrath series for his hatred against everyone that treated him like an animal unfairly.

2. The Sword hero, In the case of Cloud, he became the Sword demon because the actions of Sephiroth, the former number 1 SOLDIER, that became insane after learned about his origins, and ended burning Nibelheim, the village of Cloud and killed most of the population, including the parents of Cloud and Tifa, leaving a very severe trauma for Cloud, especially as Sephiroth used to be his idol and role model, making this a very hard pill to Cloud. And this brought as result that Sephiroth could triggers violents behaviors in Cloud, and our hero ended acting like a very different person, like be capable to attacks Aerith, or caused a disaster during the events of the fourth wave, leaving his reputation in the mud. And he unlocked the Wrath series for his personal hatred against Sephiroth for caused him a lot pain and grief.

3. The Spear and Bow hero, In the case of Motoyasu and Itsuki, they became the Spear and Bow demons because the actions of Kyo, whom orchestrated the rampage of the spirit turtle, and manipulated Motoyasu, Itsuki (and Ren) to set free this behemoth to show off their powers, only to ended defeated, abandoned for their parties, and caught by Kyo, and used like power sources to the turtle during the entire arc of the spirit turtle. And unfortunately to them, every nation learned their responsability of the rampage of the spirit turtle to setted it free, bringing as consequence that Motoyasu, Itsuki (and Ren) ended forbidden and banned from the other kingdoms, and they even became partially fugitives in Melromarc for this, adding the hatred and loathing of the people against them, like the hardships that Naofumi should suffered after be framed in the beginning. And this treatments also caused that Motoyasu, Itsuki (and Ren) ended unlocking their cursed series, for the hard reality check that they got during this part.

But also, and ironically, thanks to Bitch, Sephiroth and Kyo, caused that the legendary heroes ended taking the situation of this world more seriously, As Naofumi in the beginning took this like a game, until that he was betrayed by the Bitch and learned that this isn't a game. Cloud could retrieves his original memories after his battle against Sephiroth in Cal mira, making that he stops his mercenary mindset, that makes him took this situation like a profit chance, than see this like a sacred duty as legendary hero. Motoyasu and Itsuki would gets finally a reality check to learns that this world isn't a video game, and they should takes this seriously if they wants to survives and gets the respect of everyone, after all like the real life, if you messes it, you are ruined, you don't have an option of restart like the video games, you must takes this seriously, because you have only one chance to triumphs in the life.
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